Friday, May 19, 2017

Mind Over Matter

Memang ya, Allah itu Maha segalanya

Sometimes I thought that I really can feel what other people's feels
I empathize a lot
That I'm the type of person who deeply rely on my feelings and intuitions
But feelings and intuitions are indeed not necessarily same as the actual facts

duh, ngomong opo toh zi

Yah, pokoknya gitu deh
Mo nulis pake bahasa Indonesia dulu ga papa ya
Lagi kangen Indonesia

Akhir-akhir ini sering banget ngerasa 'ditampar', sama Allah
Astaghfirullah, sounds so wrong
Apa dong, bingung juga mo pake kata apa

Intinya ada aja emang caranya Allah nyadarin kita
Bahwa apa yang orang lain rasakan,
baru akan benar-benar kita mengerti
ketika kita berada di posisi yang sama

Allah benar-benar ngasih cara paling efektif untuk belajar
Ngasih kita sesuatu yang persis sama dengan apa yang sebelumnya kita anggap bukan hal yang patut dibesar-besarkan oleh orang lain

Beberapa hari kemarin sempat tersesat dan ngelakuin hal yang sama
Untuk kemudian tersadar,
what the hell am I doing
I'm almost doing it the same way as you did, which I hated so much before
I thought there is no way it could hurt you to that extent

Turned out that I shouldn't judge whatever choices people took for the sake of their life
It's just the way they choose to survive
Bahwa belum tentu, ketika dihadapkan dengan masalah yang sama,
I can do any better

Ada aja emang cara Allah menuntut kita untuk segera dewasa
Nempatin kita di semua sudut, untuk bisa melihat lebih baik

Bahwa kalo memang menurut kamu apa yang orang lain lakuin itu bukan jawaban yang terbaik
Let's see jawaban lebih baik apa yang bisa kamu kasih ketika kamu benar-benar di posisi yang sama

Maybe it hurt you way more than it did to me
That you end up losing to your own fears
and decided to do whatever it wanted you to do

Now I start to feel sorry for what I did
Blaming instead of reaching out

But I'm not going to go back
The past is there for you to learn
I decided not to do it the same way either
I'm not going to do the same mistake
I'm going to win over my dark thoughts and useless worries

"..learn the lesson, release the pain, and move on.."

"Living is all about the choices you make moment by moment
Even if it’s just a log bridge, you must make a choice:
Do you go forward? Do you turn around, or do you stop?
Where I am now is the result of countless choices made in the past." - Reply 1994

and you, yes you
where you are now is the result of your past choices
so thank you for being with me
Cheers for the moment
and hopefully for the future :)

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Getting Old

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be.
There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing.
We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it.
And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before.
I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of.
If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”

― Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Screenplay


Well, getting old is indeed scary
If only we all can be Wendy
Having Peter who would gladly bring you to the Neverland whenever you change your mind

But why exactly does getting old scare us?
Age is merely a number
Is it the need to be 'more adult'-ish as you age?

.. But what is an adult?

Hmm.. that is what google said

a person who is fully grown or developed
emotionally and mentally mature


I think, personally, this 'adult' thing is only part of it
Grown, developed, emotionally and mentally mature are not something you can control or, in fact, measure
But surely it is something you will definitely gain as you're getting old
Even if you do nothing
So what's the need to be afraid?

I suppose most of the fear comes from the pressure of what we think other people expect us to be
Or what we, ourselves, expect us to be
Hmm.. The first one is definitely not something we have to waste our energy for
Thinking about our expectations is already exhausting, let alone other people's
While the second is something that is so complicated, that I would be able to talk about for hours
And that is not what I intended to do when I decided to write this post

Bu the point is, there is nothing to be afraid of
When you think that it's getting hard
Don't forget that everyone around you is also struggling
It's just natural
That's what life is
Even a mosquito need to be in danger just for a drop of blood

Laughing, crying, complaining, getting angry, are all natural
It's just the way it is
Ah, I just realized, getting afraid is also natural then
Well, it is. Hahaa

But always remember this:

...لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا
"On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear"
(2 : 286)

Life is difficult
But you are strong
So what?

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Panjang yaa..hahaa
Selamat ulang tahun!
I wish you all the best thing that life could offer!

“You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming?
That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Monday, May 08, 2017


"Aku mencintaimu karena Allah."

Sampe sekarang kalo baca kalimat ini (belum, belum.., belum pernah dengar langsung), rasanya gimanaa gitu
Yang gimana sih rasanya cinta karena Allah?
Kerna cinta, trus jadi lebih rajin ibadah?
Mesti kerna ada maunya

Ya ga gitu juga sih
Mungkin maksudnya cinta yang bikin kita pada saat yang bersamaan semakin mencintai Allah
Atau ya udah gitu aja, cinta karena Allah

Duh, sounds so wrong
Emang boleh Allah jadi alasan?

ya kenapa ga? justru harusnya begitu kan?

Ga tau tapi rasanya gimana gitu
Ga pantes aja Allah dijadiin alasan


Hmm, mungkin maksudnya cinta atas izin Allah (?)
Tau dari mana kalo diizinin?

Lah, kalo udah dirasain, berarti udah diizinin dong

Ya ga mesti juga, kan ga semua orang yang mencintai karena Allah
Trus yang ga mencintai karena Allah gimana dong?
Atau yang ngakunya cinta karena Allah taunya ga?
Atau, duh, auk ah, gelap

Aih, makanya ikut pengajian sanah -_-
Ya walaupun ga semua yang dibilang ustadz itu bener 100%, namanya juga manusia
Tapi kan pasti selalu ada ilmu yang bisa didapat
Well, at least menambah sudut pandang baru

Hmmm, yhaaaaaa, baiklaaah