Thursday, September 05, 2019


" Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow, follow.."

- The Brothers Four

Hei, udah September aja ya.
Where have I been..haha
Well, I've been married. YES! M-A-R-R-I-E-D. For more than 4 months already :)
Can you believe it?
Me neither.
Apalagi sama mas Bambang. Ga pernah nyangka. Hehe
And for someone who ever doubted in marriage and stuff like destiny, I am still amazed at what had happened.
But don't worry, I've been happy :)
and I know that we made the right decision as I can see that he feels it too :)
Thank God.

Heran ya, kok bisa sih berubah pikiran semudah itu.
Aku juga heran kok.
It's just that he made me change the way I think of it.
Dia sendiri juga punya pikiran yang hampir sama sebelumnya, to live alone for the rest of his life.
But maybe something/someone made him changed his mind. I don't know for sure which one plays a bigger role.
I think everything played as a puzzle to the future (or present). It won't be complete without either one.
Maybe that is called destiny.

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

Maapin ga share foto ya. Banyak temen yang bete kayaknya kerna ga dikasih foto atau ga diizinin share foto.
Sejujurnya kita berdua sama-sama benci sama acara nikahan. Dari awal udah kepengen buat ga bikin acara tapi ya gimana.
Terlebih lagi acara sebagian besar mesti sesuai dengan apa yang dimau mamake.
Yang mana agak ga sejalan sama selera aku (harap maklum, drama2 begini pasti selalu ada katanya setiap mau nikah).
Salah satu yang bikin ga sreg adalah make up artist yang aku rasa bikin orang jadi kayak lenong
(maap Buk, tapi memang saya juga ga cantik Buk. wkwk)
Jadi ya maklumlah kalo ku tak mau foto lenong uwe tersebar di dunia dihital dan menjadi milik khalayak ramay.
Kalo bisa itu foto semua dibasmi dari muka bumi. wkwkwkw
Mas juga ga suka difoto.
Album foto kita tinggalin di rumah mertua. hahaa
Vidio ga pernah kita puter.
Mungkin nanti kalo udah tua trus kangen masa muda dan mau ngetawain muka sendiri, bakal ditonton.