Monday, December 05, 2016

That It's not Only about Music

Someone asked me,
"Why do you like BTS?"

Now I wonder why.
Why do I even like KPOP in the very first place?
Most people will say that it's because of their look.

Should I be honest here?
Then honestly, it could be one.
You can not deny that look is one of the important issues in an entertainment industry.
Wherever it is.
If it's not the look, then it could be the appearance.
People in general love to see beautiful things, right? Let's just agree on it.
But I do think that it is not part of the main reasons why I like KPOP.
I can name a lot of Korean artists who are not that good looking but highly talented (this is just my standard-unreliable-judgemental-statement)
I can also name a lot of Korean artists who are good looking and talented at the same time! Hahaha (again, this is purely my judgement, so..hmm)
But beauty is just for the pleasant of your eyes, not your heart.

I love Korean series.
Most of the time, the reason is because of the story plot, and the way the writer and the actor/actress bring out the characters.
And the OST, and the fashion, and all the things related to the making of the film.
And the most important one, how it can make my heart warm after watching it.

Well, it depends on preference for sure.
When I say it's romantic (for example), maybe other will say it's too much or too cheesy.
Or unrealistic?
But that's how you differentiate drama and real life.
Because it's unrealistic.
That's the threshold of being a fan and being a normal people living on the planet.

Oke let's get back to the question:
"Why do you like BTS?"

Well, I don't usually think about why I like or dislike certain thing.
So for me, this is kind of a difficult question.
Most of the time, I use my heart instead of my brain.
And hearts do not think.
They feel.
But they do have memories.
(Oke, I know that this is not related, hmm..)

I am an INFJ
at least most of the time the result gave me this answer. Sometimes I got ENFJ or ENFP. I don't mind.
But the fact that 'NF' are my traits, I do agree.
I use intuition and feeling in almost all cases that sometimes it drives me crazy.
Even the first time I meet people, or whether I should do this or that.
Intuition and feeling are dominant.
Oke, I think this is a bit out of the topic.
(And why do we even talk about this, heu. Mianhae)
I just want to let you know that this is a real difficult question for me.

However, I already put some thoughts into this since the first time someone asked me.
This is so strange, why do I feel like it's an obligation to answer question from an unknown
But that question successfully growing an urgent feeling inside me to really think about it.

Oke, sorry, now I already talked too much.
So why do I like BTS?
Actually, I don't really know the answer. Really. But I'll try.

First, their music. Definitely.

I didn't quite know about BTS music until earlier this year, to be honest.
I am (or I =was? haha) a fan of EXO actually.
I heard 'Dope' before and saw the music video when I was home.
(because my sister was already a fan of BTS since last year, or before? not sure)
I liked it, the dance was impressive, but I did nothing to know more about their music, at that time.
And then, they released a new album.
Because the new album of EXO was not that good and I was kind of in a state of 'need something to make me happy',
so I start listening to other music from other artists.
I saw the music video of 'Fire' and it was not the type of music I listened to. Too loud, too noisy.
But still, I did agree that the dance was so impressive!
And then, it was played randomly in youtube playlist when I worked on my assignment, and too lazy to change it.
It happened some more times and I also heard their other songs, that were milder than Fire.
Amazingly, the more I hear their music, the more I like it.

And then, when I knew the lyrics and the meanings behind their songs, I definitely became a fan.
To add to my excitement, they took part in making almost all of their songs! Even the idea of their album concept.

And the album concept!
Well, they were not only about music.
There were always something else.
Some other meanings or lessons that you can relate to their life.
They have a unique way in making their album being part of an episode of a story with the member as the characters in it.
But you need to analyse it yourself, so there is some kind of mystery that you can find the clues in every music videos. hahaha
Oke, this is a bit difficult to explain

Their hard works and determinations!
Oke, I know everyone work hard for their dreams.
It just that I am kind of moved due to the fact that they are not from the Big 3 label (SM, WG, JYP).
It will be too long to explain this Big 3 things related to korean entertainment industry

And their label! The Big Hit Entertainment!
And Bang Si Hyuk PD-nim! Even all other staffs that involved in making the music.
They showed us that making music is not only about business but about being a family.
a family full of talented people, on top of that

There are also other things, such as the unique characteristics of each member, their bond!, how they treat their fans, and a lot of other things that I will not elaborate more in here.
This is already a reaaally long post. Haha
So sorry that I took much of your precious time reading it.

Post ga penting dan membosankan yak. heu
Mungkin juga semua alasan-alasan ini sebenernya ga cuma ada di BTS doang
Mungkin banyak artis lain juga punya hal yang sama
Tapi ya untuk saat ini aku taunya BTS doang
And already too much feelings involved

Tapi ku juga dengerin lagu-lagu lain kok, kalo bagus ya ku suka
Cuma ya ga sampe ngikutin
Kan agak susah juga untuk keep up semua artis
(ntar bukannya jadi Master in Env. Sciences malah jadi Master in Korean Entertainment. Hehe)
Hidup itu kan tentang pilihan.

Kata orang ku bermental anak SMP cuma gara-gara nge-fans sama BTS. Hiks
Well, I don't really mind as long as it makes me happy, hmm.

Till we meet again. Annyeong!


Sunday, December 04, 2016

Kopi, Kereta dan Perjuangan

Oke, fix ini perjuangan. Ku mulai beku.
Kenapa keretanya harus cancelled :'(
Ku nyepeda ke ede station jam 8 pagi suhu minus 4.
Kereta ga ada, mesti naik bis.
Tapi cuma nyampe sini, Driebergen Zeist.
Trus disuruh lanjut kereta.
Tapi keretanya yang harusnya aku naikin, yang 9.19, cancelled.
Mesti nunggu setengah jam, maigad..

*salahkan noyara kenapa sekarang ku jadi pake-pake gif bts gini, huhuu

Oke, akhirnya kereta di spoor 3, yang di papan pengumuman dibilang berangkat jam 9.49, jadinya berangkat 9.32.
Gantiin kereta yang harusnya berangkat di jam yang sama di spoor 2 tapi belum datang (atau ga jadi datang? Hmm).

Ini bahkan di dalam kereta aja tangan masih beku, nggilani yaa..
Tapi semua orang di dekat aku pada main hape.
Kalo aku ga main hape, ntar krik krik sendiri lagi..

Ku duduk di kursi yang deket pintu, yang ga masuk ke dalem.
Abisnya depan belakang kelas 1, males lagi jalan jalan nyari kelas 2.
Samping kiri ada mas mas kulit hitam pake headphone tapi lagi main whatsapp.
Ada tas sport gede di bawah kakinya.
Depan ada ibu ibu (50an? Hmm better not to judge her age. She looks young anyway, hehe) pake kacamata, all black, lagi ngetik juga di hape.
Seberang kanan ada ibu ibu lain yang lebih muda (duh udah deh ga usah nebak nebak umur haha) pake jaket merah strip putih, baru aja berhenti main hape.
Di depan ibunya ada mba mba pake headset lagi ngelihatin hape juga.

jaman dulu orang kalo situasi kayak gini pada ngapain ya?
(Kebayang film jaman rennaisance yang keretanya masih ngeluarin asep.
Tulisannya bener ga sih? Atau renaisance?
Tapi emang pernah nonton film jaman renaisance (/rennaisance)?
Heu..nontonnya aja dramaa..hahaa..mianhae mianhae hajima..

Oiya mumpung keretanya masih 10 menit lagi baru jalan,

Halah, ini apa yang terjadi.
Ibu ibu seberang kanan aku sama mas mas nya tetiba keluar lah dari kereta, setelah ngobrol sesuatu sama ibu ibu yang baru masuk.
Tetiba tadi ada ibu ibu lain yang lebih muda dan lebih modis masuk, nanya ini kereta ke Amsterdam bukan, trus selanjutnya ku hanya bisa menebak-nebak apa yang mereka semua obrolin.
Pake bahasa londoooo..cry
Tapi kayaknya ku nangkep sih.
Intinya si mas sama ibu yang keluar ngirain keretanya ke Amsterdam, tapi bukan, cuma sebenarnya bisa aja transit di Utrecht.
Tapi mungkin mereka...hmm..ku ga tau mesti ngelanjutin apa.

Ini ibu depan aku sama mba seberang kanan lagi ngobrol gitu.
Kayaknya si ibu ngejelasin kenapa jadwalnya jadi ngaco begini.
Trus ngobrolin soal jam kereta lalala, dengan ekspresi unbelievable, kesel, bete, sambil ketawa.
Ku sotoy abis sih.
Btw ada mba mba juga pake jaket hijau hitam gitu berdiri (kenapa berdiri ya?) bawa biola di dalam case gtu.
Kayaknya sih biola.
Mba nya lagi nelepon.
Duh, jari-jari kakiku mulai dingin.
Oiya, barusan ngeh ternyata ibu depan aku jaketnya biru dongker, bukan hitam.

Oke suasana udah agak tenang..
and No!
Barusan diumumin keretanya jadi 9.49, bukan 9.32.
Nooooooooooooooo #cry
Gimana iniiiii.

Ku kan mesti ngejar nyampe Utrecht sebelum Noyara berangkat jam 10 😭😭😭
Ini keretanya bakal nyampe 9.58 (kalo bener jalan)
Keburu ga ya ketemu Noyaaa...

Trus sekarang hape aku tinggal 48%.
Tadi berangkat buru2, lupa bawa powerbank ataupun charger.
Trus kunci sepeda juga masih nempel, lupa dikunci jugaaa..😭😭😭
Semoga sepeda ku tersayang masih setia nunggu di parkiran
Sepeda baik yang ga pernah rusak kecuali ban nya yang kurang angin
Itu juga sekali doang dari sejak Februari


Ku mulai deg-degan
Kereta di jalur sebelah yang ke Utrecht jam 10.02 udah masuk
Tapi kereta ini belum jalan
Masih 9.45 sih
Ya Allah..
Jari-jari kaki makin beku
Tangan? Hmm..
Masih bisa ngetik sih, so..

Kemungkinan baiknya, kayaknya kereta Noya juga telat.
Malah mungkin kereta yang mereka naikin kereta ini atau kereta sebelah (I hope).
Itu kata 9292 sih..
Semoga ya..semoga Utrecht ga tetiba punya kereta lain yang ngegantiin.


Sekarang di depan aku ada mba mba (yang menurut aku bukan londo) rambutnya di cat blonde, aslinya hitam cokelat gitu kayaknya.
Barusan di seberang kanan ada mas mas (atau adek?) duduk, ngobrol bentar sama mba di depannya and ibu biru dongker, tapi ga lama dia pergi lagi, masuk ke dalam.
Ga tahan kayaknya disini dingin.

Oke tangan kaki aku mulai dingin banget ga tahan.
Hape juga udah 46%.
Udah 9.50 tapi kereta belum jalan juga.

Alhamdulillaaaaah baru aja aku mikir gitu, bapak di peron niup peluit.
Pintu ditutup.
Bapak masinis ngomong sesuatu tapi ga jelas, ibu di depan sama mba seberang kanan lagi ngobrol soalnya.
Keretanya jalaaaaaannnnn...!
Ya Allaaaaahhh...
(gimana coba caranya..hmm)

Ku lanjut nanti ya, doain semoga bisa ketemu Noyara
Ini takut hape lobet pulang ga bisa dengerin musik di bis
Pusing kalo ga denger musik di bis..heu


Yeeeeaaayyy ku udah di rumah lagiiii
Tepatnya 1 jam yang lalu sih
Ini pindah nulis di laptop.

Ohiya tadi di jalan bikin GIF, huehe..
Ku lagi seneng bikin gif sama timelapse nih. Haha
Bentar aku masukin dari hape dulu.

Biasa aja ya, haha

Duh aku deg-degan banget.
Kayaknya gara-gara tadi minum kopi di Utrecht Centraal, cup nya gede.
Lihat di gambar 2.5e (nyesek, mahal yha..) dapet 1 cup kopi ples croissant.
Kirain gelas kecil, taunya gede.
Udah pake gula 3 bungkus, ples susu 2 biji bulatan.
Gila ya, ku minum kopi atau susu+gula.. haha
Tapi itu juga masih agak pahit. Heu
(ku memutuskan kopi kiosk lebi enak dari kopi hema. hmm)

Rada pusing juga (kayaknya yang ini kerna kurang tidur sih. Semalam tidur jam 3. Sama belom makan)
Tadi di bis udah mual gitu (tapi mual kayaknya kombinasi kopi+kurang tidur+masuk angin. Ribet ya hidup uwe)
Untungnya hape masih ada 20% lagi. Langsung fligt mode biar bisa dengerin spotify sampe rumah.

Akhirnya tadi ketemu Noyaraaaaa! (everybody say la lala lala! #btsfire)
Walaupun drama gituu ketemunyaa..haha
Setelah drama perkeretaan, dan ternyata bener kereta yang mo dia naikin itu kereta yang sama sama kereta yang ku naikin.
Jadilah kita ketemu di peron.
Pas banget ku mau naik, noya dan rombongan mo turun gitu.
Drama banget yhaaa.
Di ujung atas and ujung bawah eskalator gitu. Haha
Tapi cuma ketemu kayak semenit doang.
Berpelukan, kasih bungkusan dan kartu ucapan yang dibuat dengan sepenuh hati sampe titik kritis nahan ngantuk, hahahaa
Trus dia naik kereta kerna keretanya mo jalan.
Pake adegan haru biru, trus aku dipaksa ikut ke volendaam.
Berasa film India gitu deh kita. Hahahaha

Eh, luncbreak dulu deh, beneran pusing banget
Kayaknya harus makan dulu


Kenapa ku mesti ketemu Noyara pagi-pagi di stasiun Utrecht?
Buat ngasih hadiah ulang tahun ples kartu ucapan
(dari Andhani juga, yang udah di Indo, heu)

Kenapa mesti pagi-pagi?
Kerna Noya mo ke Volendaam, foto farewell PPI Utrecht lama

Kenapa ga kemarin Sabtu?
Kerna pas ditanya kemarin, dia bilang mo ketemu Bianca
(ternyata ketemunya sore, heu) trus ku juga ga punya tiket

Ulang tahun Noyara kan tanggal 19 November, kok ngasihnya baru sekarang, TANGGAL 4 DESEMBER????
Parah banget sih aku emang.
Padahal pas tgl 15 tuh udah ingat sesaat.
Tapi pas tanggalnya malah lupa.
Dan baru ingat waktu chat sampah fangirling-an BTS, itupun kerna dia mention!!!
Mianhae,, Noyaaa...

Minggu lalu udah dirayain sih di Benne, pas Noya kesini.
Tapi paket yang aku sama Andhani pesen ga nyampe nyampe lah.
Ada-ada aja ya..heu
Selalu aja bermasalah kalo ngirim paket ke Beringhem. Sedih sih.
Intinya sampe dia balik paketnya ga nyampe ugha.
Failed gitu setiap ngirim, kerna ga ada yang bukain pintu.
Baru nyampe Senin kemaren kerna mereka taruh di Bruna Bennekom, trus aku ambil kesana.
Jadi yaudah kapan lagi mo dikasih kalo ga sekarang,
masa pas aku ulang tahun, ga lucu kan..heu


Well, finally, panjang banget yhaa ceritanyaaa..
Sebenernya sih niat awal mo ngasih surprise tiba-tiba ngetuk pintu kosan gitu.. pagi-pagi..haha
uwe drama banget yhaaa
Tapi yha apa daya, manusia hanya bisa berencana..wkwk
Anyway, yang penting misi sukseesss!!!
Say la lala lala!

Selamat ulang tahuunnn yaaaaa Annisa Noyara Rahmasaryyy!!!
Welcome to the life of a quarter century!
Love you

Bonus khusus buat Noyara dari BTS family.

Sarang dari Taehyung kamu tercintah. Hahaha

Ga lupa dari Mas Yoongi yang cool abis

Flying kiss dari Namjin. wkwkwkwk

Love from all family member
