Saturday, May 26, 2018

If Only

If only we can hear each other mind
Will it be better?
Or worse?

I'm tired of trying to say the things in my head
and trying to see what other people think about

I'm not sure if words are enough
Even sometimes they make things more confusing

If only we can hear each other mind
...and understand each other without saying much

But maybe I need to hear my mind
and understand what's really going on in my head

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Magic Shop

Lyrics & Composer: Jungkook, Hiss noise, RM, Jordan “DJ Swivel” Young, Candace Nicole Sosa, ADORA, J-Hope, Suga

[English Translation]

[V] I know you’re hesitating
Because even if you tell the truth, it’ll come back as scars
[Jungkook] I won’t say clichéd things like “have strength”
I’ll just listen to you, listen

[RM] What did I tell you?
I told you you’d overcome
You didn’t believe (really)
Will we be able to overcome?
This miracle
Did we make it?
(No) I was always here
You came to me
I do believe your galaxy
I wanna hear your melody
The stars in your Milky Way
How will they appear in your sky?
At the end of my despair
I found you, don’t forget
You’re my last reason
Standing at the edge of a cliff

[Jin] Days when you hate that you’re you
Days when you wanna disappear
Let’s make a door in your heart
[Jimin] If you open that door and go inside
This place will be waiting for you
It’s ok to believe, it’ll comfort you, this Magic Shop

[Jungkook] As you drink a cup of warm tea
As you look above to the Milky Way
[Jimin] You’ll be alright, oh this is a Magic Shop

So show me
(I’ll show you)
So show me
(I’ll show you)
So show me
(I’ll show you)
Show you show you

[J-Hope] Like a rose when blooming
Like a cherry blossom when scattering
Like a lily when withering
Like those beautiful moments
[Suga] I always wanna be the best
So I was always impatient and anxious
Comparing myself became a daily thing
My greed that used to be a weapon
Became a prison and noose
But looking back, to be honest
I don’t think I wanted to be the best
[J-Hope] I wanted to be someone’s comfort
I wanted to touch someone’s heart
I want to take away your sadness, your pain

[Jungkook] Days when you hate that you’re you
Days when you wanna disappear
Let’s make a door in your heart
[Jin] If you open that door and go inside
This place will be waiting for you
It’s ok to believe, it’ll comfort you, this Magic Shop

[V] As you drink a cup of warm tea
As you look above to the Milky Way
[Jin] You’ll be alright, oh this is a Magic Shop

So show me
(I’ll show you)
So show me
(I’ll show you)
So show me
(I’ll show you)
Show you show you

[V] If I told you I used to be scared of everything too
Will you believe me?
All of the truth, all of the remaining time
[Jimin] All of your answers are in this place that you found
In your Milky Way, in your heart

You gave me the best of me
So you’ll give you the best of you
You found me, you recognized me
You gave me the best of me
So you’ll give you the best of you
So I’ll find you, the galaxy that’s inside of you

So show me
(I’ll show you)
So show me
(I’ll show you)
So show me
(I’ll show you)
Show you show you

Source: pop!gasa

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tuhan Dimana?

Ayumi (3 yo): [Nunjuk imam tarawih] "Bun*, itu Tuhan?"
Sarifah (22 yo): "Bukan Yum, itu imam sholat."
Ayumi: "Trus, Tuhan dimana?"
Sarifah: [Bengong] ".. Tuhan itu jauh, Yum."
*Bun aka. Bunde aka. Bude aka. Tante

Ayumi ni emang terlalu bijak & kritis (& kurang ajar kadang, hahaa).
Kadang suka lupa kalo doi masih 3 tahun.
Terlalu dewasa untuk anak seusia dia.
Bingung ya, susah ternyata ngedidik anak itu.
Trus keinget mata kuliah Psikologi Anak sama Perkembangan Keluarga yang dulu sempat diambil jadi supporting course.
Aneh banget yak, jurusan Meteorologi Terapan tapi supporting course-nya dari IKK.
Ya sebenernya dulu maunya Minor Tekling, tapi apa daya jadwal ga cocok.
Yaudah sekalian ambil IKK yang pasti bakal kepake, bakal dipraktekin.
Kepengen Minor Fisika Modern juga tapi males banget kalo mesti ngambil elektronika.

Back to topic.
Kalo ada anak kecil nanya Tuhan dimana, baiknya jawab apa sih?
Soalnya aku juga ga tau jawabannya. Haha #tawagetir

Jadi ingat dulu waktu masih SD sering banget nanyain Mamak hal-hal aneh.

"Mak, kalo umur & rejeki udah ditentuin Allah dari sejak kita lahir,
ngapain kita masih berdoa minta dikasih umur panjang sama rejeki berlimpah?"

"Mak, kenapa sih sholat mesti ngehadap Ka'bah?
Kayak seolah-olah kita menyembah Ka'bah gitu ya.
Padahal Ka'bah itu kan cuma bangunan kotak ditutup kain hitam.
Apa bedanya kita sama orang Hindu yang nyembah patung.
Trus kan katanya Allah ada dimana-mana."

Trus, Mamak cuma bilang:
"Ga usah kau pikirin kali hal-hal kayak gitu, gilak nanti kau."

Sampe sekarang juga masih suka nanya hal-hal aneh yang seharusnya ga ditanya sih.
Makanya pasti bingung kan kalo ditanyain anak kecil gitu.

Selama ini alasan kenapa suka banget sama ilmu fisika modern juga gegara penasaran aja sih.
Penasaran sama Allah.
Eh, maksudnya, sama ciptaan-Nya.
Dan semua penjelasan dibalik itu semua..

Duh, jadi kepengen beli teleskop lagiiiii.
Tapi disini mah susaaah makenya.

Friday, May 04, 2018


Ah, suasana ini.
Sudah lama aku tak di sini.
Diantara wajah-wajah lelah itu.
Wajah-wajah lelah yang berusaha mengusir bosan dengan birunya layar ponsel di genggaman.
Ponsel-ponsel investasi.
Ponsel-ponsel yang menemani satu dua jam perjalanan dalam diam,
diantara aroma penat yang memenuhi udara.

Mendadak aku merasa sepi.

Tujuan terakhir.
Aku melangkah keluar.
Terdiam sejenak untuk menikmati udara bebas yang mengisi paru-paru.
Udara dingin dan lembab.
Hujan akan turun tak lama lagi.
Aku berjalan bersama ratusan langkah kaki yang bersemangat.
Bersemangat untuk segera pulang.
Pulang menuju hangatnya ruang makan, ruang keluarga,
dan hangatnya pelukan.
Menikmati penghujung minggu yang tak akan berlangsung lama.

Jalanan ini.
Jalanan yang tak asing.
Jalanan yang dipenuhi berbagai kehidupan.
Jalanan yang sama,
yang tak berubah barang sedikit pun.

Tetesan kecil hujan mulai membasahi dua kaca bening yang terpasang di depan mataku.
Menciptakan butiran-butiran samar yang memantulkan cahaya jalanan.
Tak perlu lensa kamera untuk melihat bokeh itu.

Aku menengadahkan wajah.
Menikmati rintik yang tak lagi ragu untuk jatuh.
Menetes dan mengalir di pipi.
Sensasi yang baru kusadari sudah lama tak kurasa.
Ah, I don't even know if it's a good thing or a hidden caution.

Langit kelabu.
Tak seperti malam kemarin.
Malam dengan Saturnus dan Jupiter yang bersinar terang menemani.
Juga beberapa bintang,
yang hanya terlihat dengan bantuan dua lempengan kaca kecil ini.
Malam dengan bulan yang tak lagi penuh.
Malam yang membuat aku rindu.
Rindu akan mimpi-mimpi yang terlupakan.


Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Crazy Rich Asians

“I'm telling you, this so-called 'prosperity' is going to be the downfall of Asia. Each new generation becomes lazier than the next. They think they can make overnight fortunes just by flipping properties and getting hot tips in the stock market. Ha! Nothing lasts forever, and when this boom ends, these youngsters won't know what hit them”
― Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians

It was actually not a surprise that one (big) family (may) hold a big control and influence on the economy of one region, here in Asia or maybe the world.
What amazed me more was the 'actual' lifestyle of jet-setters and the Big Moneys.
Well, I know some of them do have private jet, or some others buy hundred/thousands million dollar of bags or clothes just like buying some peanuts in Alfama*t or Indo*aret.
But, to get 'the real' exposure of what (could be) really happening, it's just, WOW, WOOOWWW.
To be honest, I couldn't fully imagine most of the descriptions of the house, the clothes, expensive cars, and other related matters.
Such as the material used for the building, all the gold coated, the couture.
I don't even know how expensive marble flooring is.
At least I know it looks fancy (and expensive). But never really care about the price (I couldn't afford it anyway).
Thanks to this novel, I got some enlightenments.

I read this book by the influence of Noyara.
She told me that she never really notice how 'big' Singapore is (or could be) until she read this book.
So I was intrigued and decided to borrow the book from her when we were in her house in Purwokerto.

The main plot itself is not that fresh, it's just like any other Korean Drama story.
A super charming boyfriend and his super rich family (like, SUPER), crazy mom (and her friends), some crazy bitches and all the drama.
I am actually a little bit disappointed with the ending.
It may look like a happy ending for Rachel and Nick, but I am more interested on how they are going to solve the problems or how they face the issue.
And what may happen in the longer term after, if possible, their marriage.

The kind of family tradition is common in Asia. Except one country may have slight difference from the others.
People may vocal on anti-racism, but not that many involve in anti-classism.
And it is not easy to be changed.
It's already running for generations.
Making it more like the identity of the people, and the society.
So I was actually curious about what solution Kevin Kwan might propose for the issue.
In fact, he didn't give any (in this book).

I was also a bit curious about what might happen to Astrid and her family.
Somewhat touched by the unchanging love of Charlie (but felt the irony at the same time).
But I really want to know what Michael would do in the end and how he feels about it.

Apart from my dissatisfaction with the ending and the main story, this novel is still recommended for a light reading in between daily activities.
Especially with all the 'wow'.
And I heard that they are going to release the film soon!
We (me and Noya) are definitely going to watch it.

Anyway, I just knew (right now, at this moment, after I wrote this long review) that the story is a sequel.
So that's why so many things are left unclear!
Kemana aja Ziii.
SO, basically this is the first book. Followed by China Rich Girlfriend and Rich People Problems.
Ah, I wonder if I should read both of them.
Maybe I should (?)