Monday, December 05, 2016

That It's not Only about Music

Someone asked me,
"Why do you like BTS?"

Now I wonder why.
Why do I even like KPOP in the very first place?
Most people will say that it's because of their look.

Should I be honest here?
Then honestly, it could be one.
You can not deny that look is one of the important issues in an entertainment industry.
Wherever it is.
If it's not the look, then it could be the appearance.
People in general love to see beautiful things, right? Let's just agree on it.
But I do think that it is not part of the main reasons why I like KPOP.
I can name a lot of Korean artists who are not that good looking but highly talented (this is just my standard-unreliable-judgemental-statement)
I can also name a lot of Korean artists who are good looking and talented at the same time! Hahaha (again, this is purely my judgement, so..hmm)
But beauty is just for the pleasant of your eyes, not your heart.

I love Korean series.
Most of the time, the reason is because of the story plot, and the way the writer and the actor/actress bring out the characters.
And the OST, and the fashion, and all the things related to the making of the film.
And the most important one, how it can make my heart warm after watching it.

Well, it depends on preference for sure.
When I say it's romantic (for example), maybe other will say it's too much or too cheesy.
Or unrealistic?
But that's how you differentiate drama and real life.
Because it's unrealistic.
That's the threshold of being a fan and being a normal people living on the planet.

Oke let's get back to the question:
"Why do you like BTS?"

Well, I don't usually think about why I like or dislike certain thing.
So for me, this is kind of a difficult question.
Most of the time, I use my heart instead of my brain.
And hearts do not think.
They feel.
But they do have memories.
(Oke, I know that this is not related, hmm..)

I am an INFJ
at least most of the time the result gave me this answer. Sometimes I got ENFJ or ENFP. I don't mind.
But the fact that 'NF' are my traits, I do agree.
I use intuition and feeling in almost all cases that sometimes it drives me crazy.
Even the first time I meet people, or whether I should do this or that.
Intuition and feeling are dominant.
Oke, I think this is a bit out of the topic.
(And why do we even talk about this, heu. Mianhae)
I just want to let you know that this is a real difficult question for me.

However, I already put some thoughts into this since the first time someone asked me.
This is so strange, why do I feel like it's an obligation to answer question from an unknown
But that question successfully growing an urgent feeling inside me to really think about it.

Oke, sorry, now I already talked too much.
So why do I like BTS?
Actually, I don't really know the answer. Really. But I'll try.

First, their music. Definitely.

I didn't quite know about BTS music until earlier this year, to be honest.
I am (or I =was? haha) a fan of EXO actually.
I heard 'Dope' before and saw the music video when I was home.
(because my sister was already a fan of BTS since last year, or before? not sure)
I liked it, the dance was impressive, but I did nothing to know more about their music, at that time.
And then, they released a new album.
Because the new album of EXO was not that good and I was kind of in a state of 'need something to make me happy',
so I start listening to other music from other artists.
I saw the music video of 'Fire' and it was not the type of music I listened to. Too loud, too noisy.
But still, I did agree that the dance was so impressive!
And then, it was played randomly in youtube playlist when I worked on my assignment, and too lazy to change it.
It happened some more times and I also heard their other songs, that were milder than Fire.
Amazingly, the more I hear their music, the more I like it.

And then, when I knew the lyrics and the meanings behind their songs, I definitely became a fan.
To add to my excitement, they took part in making almost all of their songs! Even the idea of their album concept.

And the album concept!
Well, they were not only about music.
There were always something else.
Some other meanings or lessons that you can relate to their life.
They have a unique way in making their album being part of an episode of a story with the member as the characters in it.
But you need to analyse it yourself, so there is some kind of mystery that you can find the clues in every music videos. hahaha
Oke, this is a bit difficult to explain

Their hard works and determinations!
Oke, I know everyone work hard for their dreams.
It just that I am kind of moved due to the fact that they are not from the Big 3 label (SM, WG, JYP).
It will be too long to explain this Big 3 things related to korean entertainment industry

And their label! The Big Hit Entertainment!
And Bang Si Hyuk PD-nim! Even all other staffs that involved in making the music.
They showed us that making music is not only about business but about being a family.
a family full of talented people, on top of that

There are also other things, such as the unique characteristics of each member, their bond!, how they treat their fans, and a lot of other things that I will not elaborate more in here.
This is already a reaaally long post. Haha
So sorry that I took much of your precious time reading it.

Post ga penting dan membosankan yak. heu
Mungkin juga semua alasan-alasan ini sebenernya ga cuma ada di BTS doang
Mungkin banyak artis lain juga punya hal yang sama
Tapi ya untuk saat ini aku taunya BTS doang
And already too much feelings involved

Tapi ku juga dengerin lagu-lagu lain kok, kalo bagus ya ku suka
Cuma ya ga sampe ngikutin
Kan agak susah juga untuk keep up semua artis
(ntar bukannya jadi Master in Env. Sciences malah jadi Master in Korean Entertainment. Hehe)
Hidup itu kan tentang pilihan.

Kata orang ku bermental anak SMP cuma gara-gara nge-fans sama BTS. Hiks
Well, I don't really mind as long as it makes me happy, hmm.

Till we meet again. Annyeong!


Sunday, December 04, 2016

Kopi, Kereta dan Perjuangan

Oke, fix ini perjuangan. Ku mulai beku.
Kenapa keretanya harus cancelled :'(
Ku nyepeda ke ede station jam 8 pagi suhu minus 4.
Kereta ga ada, mesti naik bis.
Tapi cuma nyampe sini, Driebergen Zeist.
Trus disuruh lanjut kereta.
Tapi keretanya yang harusnya aku naikin, yang 9.19, cancelled.
Mesti nunggu setengah jam, maigad..

*salahkan noyara kenapa sekarang ku jadi pake-pake gif bts gini, huhuu

Oke, akhirnya kereta di spoor 3, yang di papan pengumuman dibilang berangkat jam 9.49, jadinya berangkat 9.32.
Gantiin kereta yang harusnya berangkat di jam yang sama di spoor 2 tapi belum datang (atau ga jadi datang? Hmm).

Ini bahkan di dalam kereta aja tangan masih beku, nggilani yaa..
Tapi semua orang di dekat aku pada main hape.
Kalo aku ga main hape, ntar krik krik sendiri lagi..

Ku duduk di kursi yang deket pintu, yang ga masuk ke dalem.
Abisnya depan belakang kelas 1, males lagi jalan jalan nyari kelas 2.
Samping kiri ada mas mas kulit hitam pake headphone tapi lagi main whatsapp.
Ada tas sport gede di bawah kakinya.
Depan ada ibu ibu (50an? Hmm better not to judge her age. She looks young anyway, hehe) pake kacamata, all black, lagi ngetik juga di hape.
Seberang kanan ada ibu ibu lain yang lebih muda (duh udah deh ga usah nebak nebak umur haha) pake jaket merah strip putih, baru aja berhenti main hape.
Di depan ibunya ada mba mba pake headset lagi ngelihatin hape juga.

jaman dulu orang kalo situasi kayak gini pada ngapain ya?
(Kebayang film jaman rennaisance yang keretanya masih ngeluarin asep.
Tulisannya bener ga sih? Atau renaisance?
Tapi emang pernah nonton film jaman renaisance (/rennaisance)?
Heu..nontonnya aja dramaa..hahaa..mianhae mianhae hajima..

Oiya mumpung keretanya masih 10 menit lagi baru jalan,

Halah, ini apa yang terjadi.
Ibu ibu seberang kanan aku sama mas mas nya tetiba keluar lah dari kereta, setelah ngobrol sesuatu sama ibu ibu yang baru masuk.
Tetiba tadi ada ibu ibu lain yang lebih muda dan lebih modis masuk, nanya ini kereta ke Amsterdam bukan, trus selanjutnya ku hanya bisa menebak-nebak apa yang mereka semua obrolin.
Pake bahasa londoooo..cry
Tapi kayaknya ku nangkep sih.
Intinya si mas sama ibu yang keluar ngirain keretanya ke Amsterdam, tapi bukan, cuma sebenarnya bisa aja transit di Utrecht.
Tapi mungkin mereka...hmm..ku ga tau mesti ngelanjutin apa.

Ini ibu depan aku sama mba seberang kanan lagi ngobrol gitu.
Kayaknya si ibu ngejelasin kenapa jadwalnya jadi ngaco begini.
Trus ngobrolin soal jam kereta lalala, dengan ekspresi unbelievable, kesel, bete, sambil ketawa.
Ku sotoy abis sih.
Btw ada mba mba juga pake jaket hijau hitam gitu berdiri (kenapa berdiri ya?) bawa biola di dalam case gtu.
Kayaknya sih biola.
Mba nya lagi nelepon.
Duh, jari-jari kakiku mulai dingin.
Oiya, barusan ngeh ternyata ibu depan aku jaketnya biru dongker, bukan hitam.

Oke suasana udah agak tenang..
and No!
Barusan diumumin keretanya jadi 9.49, bukan 9.32.
Nooooooooooooooo #cry
Gimana iniiiii.

Ku kan mesti ngejar nyampe Utrecht sebelum Noyara berangkat jam 10 😭😭😭
Ini keretanya bakal nyampe 9.58 (kalo bener jalan)
Keburu ga ya ketemu Noyaaa...

Trus sekarang hape aku tinggal 48%.
Tadi berangkat buru2, lupa bawa powerbank ataupun charger.
Trus kunci sepeda juga masih nempel, lupa dikunci jugaaa..😭😭😭
Semoga sepeda ku tersayang masih setia nunggu di parkiran
Sepeda baik yang ga pernah rusak kecuali ban nya yang kurang angin
Itu juga sekali doang dari sejak Februari


Ku mulai deg-degan
Kereta di jalur sebelah yang ke Utrecht jam 10.02 udah masuk
Tapi kereta ini belum jalan
Masih 9.45 sih
Ya Allah..
Jari-jari kaki makin beku
Tangan? Hmm..
Masih bisa ngetik sih, so..

Kemungkinan baiknya, kayaknya kereta Noya juga telat.
Malah mungkin kereta yang mereka naikin kereta ini atau kereta sebelah (I hope).
Itu kata 9292 sih..
Semoga ya..semoga Utrecht ga tetiba punya kereta lain yang ngegantiin.


Sekarang di depan aku ada mba mba (yang menurut aku bukan londo) rambutnya di cat blonde, aslinya hitam cokelat gitu kayaknya.
Barusan di seberang kanan ada mas mas (atau adek?) duduk, ngobrol bentar sama mba di depannya and ibu biru dongker, tapi ga lama dia pergi lagi, masuk ke dalam.
Ga tahan kayaknya disini dingin.

Oke tangan kaki aku mulai dingin banget ga tahan.
Hape juga udah 46%.
Udah 9.50 tapi kereta belum jalan juga.

Alhamdulillaaaaah baru aja aku mikir gitu, bapak di peron niup peluit.
Pintu ditutup.
Bapak masinis ngomong sesuatu tapi ga jelas, ibu di depan sama mba seberang kanan lagi ngobrol soalnya.
Keretanya jalaaaaaannnnn...!
Ya Allaaaaahhh...
(gimana coba caranya..hmm)

Ku lanjut nanti ya, doain semoga bisa ketemu Noyara
Ini takut hape lobet pulang ga bisa dengerin musik di bis
Pusing kalo ga denger musik di bis..heu


Yeeeeaaayyy ku udah di rumah lagiiii
Tepatnya 1 jam yang lalu sih
Ini pindah nulis di laptop.

Ohiya tadi di jalan bikin GIF, huehe..
Ku lagi seneng bikin gif sama timelapse nih. Haha
Bentar aku masukin dari hape dulu.

Biasa aja ya, haha

Duh aku deg-degan banget.
Kayaknya gara-gara tadi minum kopi di Utrecht Centraal, cup nya gede.
Lihat di gambar 2.5e (nyesek, mahal yha..) dapet 1 cup kopi ples croissant.
Kirain gelas kecil, taunya gede.
Udah pake gula 3 bungkus, ples susu 2 biji bulatan.
Gila ya, ku minum kopi atau susu+gula.. haha
Tapi itu juga masih agak pahit. Heu
(ku memutuskan kopi kiosk lebi enak dari kopi hema. hmm)

Rada pusing juga (kayaknya yang ini kerna kurang tidur sih. Semalam tidur jam 3. Sama belom makan)
Tadi di bis udah mual gitu (tapi mual kayaknya kombinasi kopi+kurang tidur+masuk angin. Ribet ya hidup uwe)
Untungnya hape masih ada 20% lagi. Langsung fligt mode biar bisa dengerin spotify sampe rumah.

Akhirnya tadi ketemu Noyaraaaaa! (everybody say la lala lala! #btsfire)
Walaupun drama gituu ketemunyaa..haha
Setelah drama perkeretaan, dan ternyata bener kereta yang mo dia naikin itu kereta yang sama sama kereta yang ku naikin.
Jadilah kita ketemu di peron.
Pas banget ku mau naik, noya dan rombongan mo turun gitu.
Drama banget yhaaa.
Di ujung atas and ujung bawah eskalator gitu. Haha
Tapi cuma ketemu kayak semenit doang.
Berpelukan, kasih bungkusan dan kartu ucapan yang dibuat dengan sepenuh hati sampe titik kritis nahan ngantuk, hahahaa
Trus dia naik kereta kerna keretanya mo jalan.
Pake adegan haru biru, trus aku dipaksa ikut ke volendaam.
Berasa film India gitu deh kita. Hahahaha

Eh, luncbreak dulu deh, beneran pusing banget
Kayaknya harus makan dulu


Kenapa ku mesti ketemu Noyara pagi-pagi di stasiun Utrecht?
Buat ngasih hadiah ulang tahun ples kartu ucapan
(dari Andhani juga, yang udah di Indo, heu)

Kenapa mesti pagi-pagi?
Kerna Noya mo ke Volendaam, foto farewell PPI Utrecht lama

Kenapa ga kemarin Sabtu?
Kerna pas ditanya kemarin, dia bilang mo ketemu Bianca
(ternyata ketemunya sore, heu) trus ku juga ga punya tiket

Ulang tahun Noyara kan tanggal 19 November, kok ngasihnya baru sekarang, TANGGAL 4 DESEMBER????
Parah banget sih aku emang.
Padahal pas tgl 15 tuh udah ingat sesaat.
Tapi pas tanggalnya malah lupa.
Dan baru ingat waktu chat sampah fangirling-an BTS, itupun kerna dia mention!!!
Mianhae,, Noyaaa...

Minggu lalu udah dirayain sih di Benne, pas Noya kesini.
Tapi paket yang aku sama Andhani pesen ga nyampe nyampe lah.
Ada-ada aja ya..heu
Selalu aja bermasalah kalo ngirim paket ke Beringhem. Sedih sih.
Intinya sampe dia balik paketnya ga nyampe ugha.
Failed gitu setiap ngirim, kerna ga ada yang bukain pintu.
Baru nyampe Senin kemaren kerna mereka taruh di Bruna Bennekom, trus aku ambil kesana.
Jadi yaudah kapan lagi mo dikasih kalo ga sekarang,
masa pas aku ulang tahun, ga lucu kan..heu


Well, finally, panjang banget yhaa ceritanyaaa..
Sebenernya sih niat awal mo ngasih surprise tiba-tiba ngetuk pintu kosan gitu.. pagi-pagi..haha
uwe drama banget yhaaa
Tapi yha apa daya, manusia hanya bisa berencana..wkwk
Anyway, yang penting misi sukseesss!!!
Say la lala lala!

Selamat ulang tahuunnn yaaaaa Annisa Noyara Rahmasaryyy!!!
Welcome to the life of a quarter century!
Love you

Bonus khusus buat Noyara dari BTS family.

Sarang dari Taehyung kamu tercintah. Hahaha

Ga lupa dari Mas Yoongi yang cool abis

Flying kiss dari Namjin. wkwkwkwk

Love from all family member


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Woles Weh

Seharian ini ga kemana-mana.
Eh, tadi ke albert hijn bentar ding, ambil paket (barang tak berfaedah).
Spotify lagi muter lagu Block B, a Few Years Later.
Jadi kepikiran obrolan di Line tadi.

Hmm, tetiba ku laper, ku ambil makan dulu ya.
Betewe tadi siang ku masak daging semur sama tumis buncis+tempe. Hehee
Gitu aja bangga yak, haha

Lah, ini kenapa bawang yang di sayur jadi item gini ya.
Perasaan tadi pas masak ga gosong. Heu
Coba nyari di gugel,

Hahaha, kenapa ada blue sama pink dah

History internet uwe memalukan yak, heu.
Oiya, laptopnya masih pake jam Indo, hehehe

Nih jawaban dari situs sebelah, 7 tahun yang lalu betewe. Hmm

Gila ya gue, kuliah master, tapi oksidasi aja ga tau.
Sedih sih.

Betewe, lagunya sekarang jadi 2NE1 - Come Back Home.
Kenapa lagu uwe melo melo semua gini, heu.
Baru ingat playlist yang ini memang isinya lagu galau.
Betewe ku baru sadar ku dari tadi ngomong betewe mulu. Hmm.

Barusan Noya ngirimin video dia lagi nonton acara K-POP di Rotterdam.
Mba-mba bule sama mba-mba asia kulit putih lagi pada di noraebang nyanyi lagu BTS - I Need U!
Bahkan ada yang sambil nge dance lah!! Maigad!!!
Sediih ga jadi ikut. Huhu
Kenapa lah ku selalu galau kalo mau beli tiket ini itu.
Ujung-ujungnya sold out, ujung-ujungnya nyesel.

Oiya ku dah janji mo bantuin Andhani packing, besok dia balik Indo buat ambil data thesis juga.
Ku naik ke atas dulu ya.
Ntar di lanjutin lagih.

Eh, kalo komputernya aku tinggalin nyala gini, ga papa kan?
Sama musiknya juga?
*padahal di bagian bawah keyboard ada sticker Earth Hour yang bunyinya: "matikan monitor komputer saat istirahat"
Ya Allah, ampuni hambaMu ini.
Colokannya aku cabut deh.

Oke, nanti lanjut lagii
Duh, tapi lagunya BTS - Run, jadi pengen dengerin sampe abis dulu.

Daebak, laptopnya masih nyala. Haha
Padahal ku lumayan lama di atas, ada kali 1.5 jam.
Bawa barang hibah dari Andhani, 2 kantong plastik.
Alhamdulillah, ga perlu belanja sebulan ke depan kayaknya. Hahahah
Bentar aku ngeperint tiket buat besok dulu.

Udah beres.
Ada Andhani dateng mo minta makan.
Ngobrolin tentang souvenir BTS di 3r Mustar.
Katanya lihat unboxing nya di yutub aja.
Sek tak lihat dulu

Gila lah, si mba yang di yutub beli souvenir banyak ngets.
Apa itu sepaket sama tiket konser? Heu
Tapi itu barang2 bocah semuaa..
Tak berfaedah, tapi uwe pengen, hahaha
Udah ah lupain, itu kan barang2 anak smp-sma, heu

Ini lagunya lagi melo abis.
Roy Kim - When Autumn Comes
Jadi inget alasan kenapa pengen nulis post ini.
Telat banget yak, hahaaa

Jadi tadi abis ngobrol sama temen yang baru balik ke Indo, di Line.
Kenapa Line? Kerna dia suka pake emoticon. Hahaa, uwe ngikut aja sudah
Balik bentar doang buat data thesis.
Katanya dia disana bawaannya uring-uringan mulu.
Ujan tiap hari, macet. Trus pengen balik ke Wagen, yang nyaman dan damai.
Balik sana jadi kepikiran real life katanya.

Ku bingung mo nanggepinnya.
Pantesan yak, banyak orang yang males balik lagi, udah enak hidup di luar.
Ya memang bener enak sih.
Apalagi di kampung Wageningen sini, yang semuanya seloou, tentram.
Kuliah tinggal nyepeda 12 menitan, ga keringetan, ga perlu takut kepepet motor apalagi mobil.
Ga ada macet-macetan.
Hujan paling banter 5mm.
Dingin ya tinggal pake jaket, pake kupluk, pake sarung tangan, pake syal. Udah.

Ku jadi kepikiran nanti kalo ku balik, perasaan gimana ya..
Sejauh ini ku ga pernah kepikiran, mau tinggal di luar negeri selamanya.
Ya kalo ditanya enak mana, ya jelas enak sini sih.
Tapi enak yang dirasain sekarang itu kan sebenernya enak yang fana doang #ehem
Enak kerna memang laper ya tinggal makan, kuliah tinggal nyepeda, pengen baju tinggal dibeli.
Pengen jalan-jalan tinggal beli tiket, nyusun itinerary.

Ga perlu mikir besok uang cukup ga buat beli makan, besok bangun jam berapa biar ga telat nyampe kantor.
Ga perlu pergi subuh pulang malem, ga perlu berdiri di kereta 2 jam, pagi-malem padet-padetan.
Bahkan bisa 3-4 jam kalo lagi gangguan.
Ga perlu berantem sama supervisor.
Yang ini gue doang sih kayaknya, haha
Ga perlu pusing mikirin gimana caranya biar pengeluaran ga pas-pasan sama pendapatan.
Ga perlu pusing mikirin beli tiket pesawat mudik, beli oleh-oleh, nyisihin uang buat THR.
Kenapa jadi ngeluh, heu..
Udah ah. Jadi melo gini bawannya kalo mikirin hidup. Duh.

Lagunya tadi udah ganti jadi Big Bang - Bae Bae
Lagu ini dulu ku kesel banget dengernya.
Gara-gara bagian awalnya aneh parah.
Tapi pas masuk bagian Taeyang, loh kok bagus sih. Haha
Trus jadi dengerin semua lagu di album Big Bang yang ini.
Dan suka semuaaa... Hahahaa
Jarang banget ku suka hampir semua lagu mereka di satu album.
Bentar lagi mereka mo ngeluarin full albumnya, kayaknya kejar tayang sebelum abang TOP enlist deh.
Random banget yak, postingannya. Hahaa

Sekarang ganti jadi BTS - Autumn Leaves, salah satu lagu BTS yang paling aku sukaaa :')
Udah dulu yak, ini panjang banget, capek kan bacanya. Heu
Ku juga laper lagi, mo makan weh.
Gila ya, ku disini udah naik 4 kilo and still counting. Hahahah #tawagetir



“Lincoln?” she asked.
“Do you believe in love at first sight?”
He made himself look at her face, at her wide-open eyes and earnest forehead. At her unbearably sweet mouth.
“I don’t know,” he said. “Do you believe in love before that?”


“I’d know you in the dark,” he said. “From a thousand miles away. There’s nothing you could become that I haven’t already fallen in love with.”


“I pictured a girl who made every moment, everything she touched, and everyone around her feels lighter and sweeter.
“I pictured you,” he said. “I just didn’t know what you looked like.
“And then, when I did know what you looked like, you looked like the girl who was all those things. You looked like the girl I loved.”


Too cheesy, eh?
Well, I love romance, I always love drama, so I love this book :D

This is the third Rainbow Rowell's book I read, after Eleanor & Park and Fangirl.
I'm a fan of her writing the first time I read Eleanor & Park :D
I even fell in love with that book before I read it! I love it just by reading the summary and the reviews. Hehe

Attachment is a story about an internet security guy who falls in love with a woman whose e-mail he read every day :D
No, they are not his. It's just his job to read other people's e-mail.
Other people's email that filtered by the security wall.
And those e-mails, between Beth and Jennifer, he can not help himself but drawn into their every day's discussion.
About everything in their life.
He knew that he should send them a warning message to say that their e-mails were caught by the security.
But he just can't do that. He wants to keep reading their e-mail.


About how he try to find Beth's desk in the office at night (he work mostly at night).
Just to imagine Beth sitting there.
How he try to spend his dinner at the break room almost every night, hoping that he can see her.
Which is kind of impossible because he doesn't know how she looked like. Haha
And how he struggling to forget about her not long after he saw her.
Until he decided to resign from his position.
Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, this book written in Lincoln's 3rd person POV.
That's why everything is about him.

Hmm, it's difficult for me to express how I really feel about this book.
I like the way it's written, I love the characters, love the story, and how it ends :')
(which is a different ending compared to Eleanor & Park and Fangirl, and I'm definitely glad about that :D)

I don't know why but I always fall in love with the guys in Rainbow Rowell's books.
I wonder why I'm being such an easy girl. Hahaa

No, I think it's not that I'm easy, but these guys are just so sweet. Hahaha
I bet it's not just me who feels like this each time I read her book.
I'm currently reading Landline, by the way

I still remember how I love Park Sheridan so much right after I finished reading Eleanor & Park :')
And Levi! A super ordinary guy, but charming in his own way.
(I need to find 'Levi' in my real life, definitely)
And now Lincoln. He is a bit different, sweet but mature.
Of course, the characters in this book are adults I guess, haha

Yet, I personally think, what makes them similar is the sincere feeling they have :)
And how they love the girls just the way they are.
And how they are being so charming. Hahahaha

Oke, enough, I don't know how to express myself anymore. Haha
Go read the books if you want to know what I mean :D
I do not guarantee we will have the same feeling after you read those books, though.
(It's just too cheesy sometimes. I do understand. haha)
I appreciate different reactions ;)

~'till we meet again

Saturday, October 29, 2016

European Workshop 2016: BGI TEAM

"You don't win with the best talent - you win with the five players who can play well together."

Well said, sir.
Well said.

Anyway, we did it, guys! WE DID IT!
8 weeks of consultancy project
12 credits worth
3 beautiful advisors
27 students
11 nationalities
5 geo-reports
1 synthesis report
1 video
and lots of fun! and drinks!!

Please introduce our team:
*BGI: Blue and Green Infrastructure

photo credit: Kunti May Wulan

The first 3 weeks of the project was soo hectic.
We were divided into 5 geo-groups (district 2,6,7,8 and 13) and 4 expert groups (policy and stakeholder; infrastructure; ecosystem services; scenario and vulnerability).
The students in the same geo group did all the data collecting in the assigned district and wrote the geo report of the district.
While those in the expert groups prepared all the requirements for analysis before going to the field, according to their expertise e.g. observation frame.
Every geo-group consist of at least one expert group's representative and the other way around.
We used a matrix to design the position for everyone so that each student responsible for at least two different roles.
Oh, and there was also a management team, a group of students who coordinated all the things. There has to be 1 management team in each small group.
..Well, enough for this complicated grouping scheme, haha.

After assigning the group, we need to prepare all the things we need for the fieldwork, the long-time discussions about our research objective, questionnaires and the observation frame, contacting all stakeholders to arrange interviews, and the lectures, ah and the expectation paper!
We conducted practice observation and interview and handed out questionnaires for the final check..
And off we went to Prague on 26 Oct! Yeay!

photo credit: Kunti May Wulan

photo credit: Kunti May Wulan

photo credit: Kunti May Wulan

photo credit: Fauziah Nur

photo credit: Fauziah Nur

photo credit: Fauziah Nur

Visit Wulan's album if you want to see more photos of our activities in Prague :)

No, the field work was not as beautiful as the pictures, definitely not. Haha
To sum up our 11 days field trip to Prague:
1. We observed 5 districts (2, 6, 7, 8 and 13), focussing on blue and green infrastructure (mostly on foot!)
2. We did >900 questionnaires (plus mentally exhausted >1000 times)
3. We conducted 12 interviews with relevant stakeholders
4. Some extra lectures, group discussions and presentations, dinners and drinks, birthdays celebrations, pub crawls, city tours, getting lost at the zoo, cooking together, and shoppings! :D

We did night city tour to the Praha Charles Bridge (all ladies) at 11! Hahahaha. Crazy girls.
When the others were having fun at the pub, we decided to have our own tour to the famous bridge. It was closeby anyway.
But it was super fun. And we also experienced a really creepy and super weird time in the tram when we went back to the hostel.

So, suddenly, our tram was stopped by a group of policemen wearing almost all black (of course -_-).
Some were in front of the tram, some were at the back (with the police car next to them), 1-2 were looking into the tram while going around.
I think there was also one who did go into the tram (and communicate with the driver? I'm not that sure because it was so creepy. Heu)
For your information, it was around 1am. Yet the tram was almost full. Some of us were standing.
Only after around 15 minutes, they let us go.
Why and what exactly happened? It's still unresolved mystery :/

Anyway, it was a super great experience with super great partners! :)
We finished the field visit with a final presentation, giving the progress of our research to our client and the stakeholders.
We managed to hold a small but fun workshop with the guests in this event :)

Presenter team :)

Our beautiful supervisors :)

Yay! We did it!!
We went back with 6am flight on Oct 7 to Amsterdam (after a full night of pub crawls for some of us. Hahaa)

The next 3 weeks was even more hectic than the first one.
We need to input all the data, analyse it, create different groups, and write the reports.
We also need to make a video, which we decided to be our creative output for the project :D

The final-final presentation was a success!
We finished all our reports (#crying hard)
We made the video
And not to forget the reflection paper (I submitted it 1 hour late, LOL)

Fiuh!! Finally!
That's all for my unforgetful experiences in the European Workshop :D
It was super fun to work with all the team.
I surely learned a lot of things, which I cannot mention one by one here (or I will end up writing a reflection paper. haha)
May we always be happy and useful for others :)

#PS: everyone got good grade :D

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Laper T_T
Lupa kalo Jumat kantin forum ga buka buat dinner
Memang jarang beli makan di forum sih, apalagi dinner

Lihat mas bule yang duduk di meja depan bawa roti tawar sebungkusan
Berasa lagi di rumah aja
Anteng banget dari tadi, duduk sendiri, ngolesin roti pake sesuatu yang ada di dalam kaleng warna merah, satu per satu
Pelan tapi pasti
Ga kayak kita, pelan tapi ga pasti

Sekarang isi bungkusannya udah tinggal setengah
Tapi aku mau ke radix dulu, sholat Ashar
Masih hujan ga ya di luar..
Tapi males pake jaket, yaudahlah gini aja
Biar berasa dinginnya
Biar ga cuma hatinya doang yang dingin

Udah beres sholat nih, tapi masih laper T_T
Mas nya udah ga ada tapi
Ga tau deh itu bungkusan diabisin atau ga sama dia
Gila ya bule-bule ini
Sehari makannya roti tawar sebungkus
Lah aku sama acha sebungkus kayaknya bisa buat seminggu
Beberapa kali lihat ada yg bawa botol minum 1.5 liter
Aku yang botolnya cuma 500ml aja kadang masih nyisa
Lagian gimana rasanya kalo tas diisi botol 1.5 liter
Tambah bekal, tambah laptop, tambah pernak-pernik lain yang sebenarnya tak berfaedah tapi selalu ada dalem tas
Apa rasanya di pundak
Belum lagi ditambah beban hidup
Ha ha
*baca ha ha nya datar aja, jangan pake ketawa ya

Ada Rocky dateng, ikutan duduk bareng aku sama resti
Ngebuka bekal dinner
Lauknya tempe orek sama telur dadar
Dapat 2 suap, alhamdulillah
Rezeki anak sholeh
Betewe, sebenernya orek itu bahasa apa ya?
Indonesia? Jawa?
Terus kenapa dibilang telur dadar? Bukan telur datar?
Dadar itu artinya apa?
Duh, jadi pengen telur dadar
Pake bawang, tomat, cabenya yang banyak T_T
Nikmat dunia

Ini mau turun ke ground floor, latihan angklung, besok mau perform yeay
Tapi males, bentar deh 5 menit lagi
Yaudah aku latihan dulu ya

Akhirnya nyampe di kamar tercinta, fiuh
Tadi di luar agak gerimis dikit, dingin banget
Jalanan sepi, sempat ngebayangin gimana kalo tiba-tiba ada zombie keluar dari saluran air yang di pinggir jalan
Zombie bisa naik sepeda ga ya?

Dapet makanan dari Andhani, alhamdulillah
Rezeki anak sholeh lagii
Tumben itu bocah masak
Lagi stress padahal, gara-gara proposal tesis
Abis ketemu supervisor trus dibilang ga boleh pulang ngambil data sampe at least akhir bulan depan
Trus dianya stress kerna orang-orang udah pada balik dan mulai ngerjain tesis
Semoga lancar ya, sampe selesai -love-

Oiya besok kami mau nampil di taman nasional Hoge Veluwe yang ke arah Arnhem
Tempatnya baguuss, ada kok aku upload di instagram fotonya, kalo mau lihat
Lagunya ada 4: Grenade, Ayo Mama, Can't Smile without You, sama apa ya judul satunya lagi,
bentar tak cek dulu
Judulnya Besame Mucho
Yang Besame Mucho bagus deh, suka lagunya
Berasa pengen dansa kalo dengar musiknya
*kayak tau aja caranya dansa
**kayak ada temennya aja buat dansa

Udah hampir jam 1
Aku mau siap-siap tidur deh ya
At least butuh setengah jam baru bisa tidur, biasanya, kecuali kalo lagi laper (jadi makin lama, bukan makin cepet loh)
Besok bakal di luar seharian, uh!
Mesti kuat!

Fijn weekend, semoga weekend kali ini menyenangkan :)

Sunday, October 09, 2016

BTS - 피 땀 눈물 (Blood Sweat & Tears)


nae pi ttam nunmul
nae majimak chumeul
da gajyeoga ga
nae pi ttam nunmul
nae chagaun sumeul
da gajyeoga ga
nae pi ttam nunmul
nae pi ttam nunmuldo
nae mom maeum yeonghondo
neoui geosin geol jal algo isseo
igeon nareul beolbatge hal jumun

Peaches and cream
Sweeter than sweet
Chocolate cheeks
And chocolate wings
But neoui nalgaeneun akmaui geot
neoui geu sweet apen bitter bitter

Kiss me apado dwae
eoseo nal joyeojwo
deo isang apeul sudo eopge
Baby chwihaedo dwae ije neol deurikyeo
mok gipsugi neoran wiseuki

nae pi ttam nunmul
nae majimak chumeul
da gajyeoga ga
nae pi ttam nunmul
nae chagaun sumeul
da gajyeoga ga

wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
manhi manhi
wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
manhi manhi

apado dwae nal mukkeojwo
naega domangchil su eopge
kkwak jwigo nal heundeureojwo
naega jeongsin mot charige
Kiss me on the lips lips
dulmanui bimil
neoran gamoge jungdokdwae gipi
niga anin dareun saram seomgiji mothae
almyeonseodo samkyeobeorin
dogi deun seongbae

nae pi ttam nunmul
nae majimak chumeul
da gajyeoga ga
nae pi ttam nunmul
nae chagaun sumeul
da gajyeoga ga

wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
manhi manhi
wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
wonhae manhi manhi manhi manhi
manhi manhi

nareul budeureopge jugyeojwo
neoui songillo nun gamgyeojwo
[J/JM] eochapi geobuhal sujocha eopseo
deoneun domanggal sujocha eopseo
niga neomu dalkomhae neomu dalkomhae
neomu dalkomhaeseo

nae pi ttam nunmul
nae pi ttam nunmul


English Translation

My blood, sweat and tears
My last dance
Take it all away, go
My blood, sweat and tears
My cold breath
Take it all away, go
My blood, sweat and tears
My blood, sweat and tears as well
My body, heart and soul as well
Is yours, I know
This is an spell to punish me

Peaches and cream
Sweeter than sweet
Chocolate cheeks
And chocolate wings
But your wings are those of a demon
That sweetness of yours is in front of bitterness bitterness

Kiss me even if it hurts
Come, tighten me up
Until it can’t even hurt anymore
Baby, even if I get drunk it’s alright, I’ll now drink you up
Deep into my throat, with you as the whiskey

My blood, sweat and tears
My last dance
Take it all away, go
My blood, sweat and tears
My cold breath
Take it all away, go

I want many many many many
I want many many many many
Many many
I want many many many many
I want many many many many
Many many

It’s fine even if it hurts, tie me up
So I can’t escape
Grasp me firmly and shake me
So I can’t gather my mind together
Kiss me on the lips lips
A secret between just the two of us
I’m deeply addicted to the prison that is you
I can’t serve anyone else that isn’t you
I swallowed the Holy Grail that is poisonous
Even when I knew it was

My blood, sweat and tears
My last dance
Take it all away, go
My blood, sweat and tears
My cold breath
Take it all away, go

I want many many many many
I want many many many many
Many many
I want many many many many
I want many many many many
Many many

Kill me softly
Close my eyes with your hand
I can’t even refuse anyways
I can no longer even run away
You’re too sweet, too sweet
Because you’re too sweet

My blood, sweat and tears
My blood, sweat and tears


BTS - OUTRO: House of Cards

Lyrics/작사: Slow Rabbit, 브라더수(BrotherSu), 방시혁
Composer/작곡: Slow Rabbit, 브라더수(BrotherSu), 방시혁
Arranger/편곡: Slow Rabbit, 브라더수(BrotherSu), 방시혁

또 위태로워 또 위험해
tto witaerowo tto wiheomhae
Insecure again, dangerous again

So bad (why) 우린 yeah
So bad (why) urin yeah
So bad (why?) us, yeah

더 버티기도 지탱하기도
deo beotigido jitaenghagido
Enduring more, holding out

So hard (hard) 안 돼
So hard (hard) an dwae
So hard (hard), we can’t

이미 알고 있어도
imi algo isseodo
Even if you already knew

멈출 수가 없었어
meomchul suga eobseosseo
We couldn’t stop

No way, no way, no way 쓰러져
No way, no way, no way sseureojyeo
No way, no way, no way, falling

시간이 지나갈수록
sigani jinagalsurok
As time passes by

더 망가져가기만 해
deo manggajyeogagiman hae
We only mess it up even more

No way, no way 또 무너지는 걸
No way, no way tto muneojineun geol
No way, no way, it’s collapsing again

카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린
kadeuro mandeun jip geu sogeseo urin
A house made of cards, and us inside

끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도
kkeuchi boindaedo got sseureojindaedo
Even if you say you see the end, even if you say it’ll collapse soon

카드로 만든 집 바보같이 우린
kadeuro mandeun jip babogachi urin
A house made of cards, and stupidly, us

헛된 꿈이래도 이대로 조금 더 stay
heotdoen kkumiraedo idaero jogeum deo stay
Even if you say it’s a useless dream, just stay a little more like this

내일이란 게 없듯이
naeiriran ge eobtdeusi
Like there’s no tomorrow

다음이란 건 없듯이
daeumiran geon eobtdeusi
Like there’s no next time

지금 내겐 눈 앞에 너를 뺀 모든 게
jigeum naegen nun ape neoreul ppaen modeun ge
Everything that you’ve done in front of my eyes

지독히 깜깜한 어둠이지
입버릇처럼 말해
jidokhi kkamkkamhan eodumiji
ipbeoreutcheoreom malhae
It’s a complete darkness
Say it like you mean it

우린 결국엔 안 돼
그래도 난 계속 바래
urin gyeolgugen an dwae
geuraedo nan gyesok barae

In the end, we can’t make it
Even so, I keep hoping

마지막도 너와 함께라면 I’m okay
majimakdo neowa hamkkeramyeon I’m okay
Even at the end, if you’re with me, I’m okay

이미 알고 있어도
imi algo isseodo

Even if you already knew

멈출 수가 없었어
meomchul suga eobseosseo
We couldn’t stop

No way, no way, no way 쓰러져
No way, no way, no way sseureojyeo
No way, no way, no way, falling

시간이 지나갈수록
sigani jinagalsurok
As time passes by

더 망가져 가기만 해
deo manggajyeo gagiman hae
We only mess it up even more

No way, no way 또 무너지는 걸
No way, no way tto muneojineun geol
No way, no way, it’s collapsing again

카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린
kadeuro mandeun jip geu sogeseo urin
A house made of cards, and us inside

끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도
kkeuchi boindaedo got sseureojindaedo
Even if you say you see the end, even if you say it’ll collapse soon

카드로 만든 집 바보같이 우린
kadeuro mandeun jip babogachi urin
A house made of cards, and stupidly, us

헛된 꿈이래도 이대로 조금 더 stay
heotdoen kkumiraedo idaero jogeum deo stay
Even if you say it’s a useless dream, just stay a little more like this

시간을 Slow down
siganeul Slow down
Slow down the time

조금만 더, 머물러 줘 oh
jogeumman deo, meomulleo jwo oh
Please stay just for a little more oh

Please Baby. Calm down
Please Baby. Calm down
Please Baby. Calm down

조금만 더
jogeumman deo
Just a little more

더 위태로워 더 위험해
deo witaerowo deo wiheomhae
More insecure, more dangerous

so bad (so bad) 우린 yeah
So bad (so bad) urin yeah
So bad (so bad) us, yeah

더 버티기도 지탱하기도
deo beotigido jitaenghagido
Enduring more, holding out

so hard 또 무너지는 걸 ah
So hard tto muneojineun geol
So hard, it’s collapsing again

카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린
kadeuro mandeun jip geu sogeseo urin
A house made of cards, and us inside

끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도
kkeuchi boindaedo got sseureojindaedo
Even if you say you see the end, even if you say it’ll collapse soon

카드로 만든 집 바보같이 우린
kadeuro mandeun jip babogachi urin
A house made of cards, and stupidly, us

헛된 꿈이래도 이대로 조금 더 stay
heotdoen kkumiraedo idaero jogeum deo stay
Even if you say it’s a useless dream, just stay a little more like this


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Indonesian Cuisine - Dendeng Balado

After all this time!!
Akhirnyah makan dendeng balado lagih XD (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
After contemplating with myself quite for a long time, whether or not to put too much effort in my cooking,
I gave up. Hahahaa
I ended up buying 1 kg of meat yesterday and decided to make my 'one week lunch'
(which means that this whole following week will full of meat. haha)
So that I don't have to wake up too early in the morning just to cook.
I think this can also count as not-putting-too-much-effort on cooking, eh. Haha

So I made Dendeng Balado (or Dendeng Batokok) using half of the meat and Rendang for the other half.
As far as I know, dendeng is originally made by Minangkabau ethnic group (the people who live in West Sumatera).
They make the meat dried so that it can last longer and you can also bring it with you when you travel for days (kan ceritanya anak rantau).
As well as dendeng, rendang is also an authentic food from West Sumatera. Western people usually called it West Sumatran caramelised beef curry.
Yes, actually I am not from this region, I was born and grew up in North Sumatera (where most of the people are Bataknese).
However, my grandfather is from Minangkabau tribe and my grandmother is half Malay and half Mandailing (if I'm not wrong). Mandailing is part of Bataknese ethnic group but they have a big influence (especially its culinary) from Minangkabau because the origin place is close to West Sumatera (southern part of North Sumatera and just near the border of West Sumatera).
That's also why most of Mandailing group are Muslim. Since Islam is the most dominant religion in West Sumatera.
Oke, enough with all those history stuff.

No Pic Hoax. So here is the proof of my dearest dendeng balado :D

Now I will give you the recipe :D
I got it from my beloved Mom, whom I called every time I want to try 'advance' Indonesian cuisine. Hehe

(thinly sliced dried meat served with chilli, onion and tomato sauce

- 1/2 kg beef (it's up to you to cut it in small pieces first or just season it the way it is. Just make sure that your cooking pot will be enough for the seasoning)

First, you will need to boil the meet with some ingredients (seasoning), which are:
- 4 onion (note: Indonesian onion is usually small. if you use the big red onion, then make it 1)
- 5 garlic
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 tbsp coriander
- 1 tsp white cumin
- 1/2 piece of star anise
- 1 cardamom
- 1 tsp ginger (~1x1 cm if you use fresh ginger instead of ginger powder)
- 1 sereh
- 1-2 tsp salt

=> Mix all the ingredients (I would recommend using blender)
=> Add water (Just use your feeling. If you think it will make all the meat drowned under the water then it's good. But make sure that you don't use too much water. So that it will be more effective for the seasoning. And of course, it's more environment-friendly. Wkwkwkk)
=> Add the meat to the water and let it boil

I'm not sure how long it takes, haha.. I just use my feeling. But make sure not to cook it too long because it can make the meat too chewy. Note that this step aim to add some seasoning in the meat, so that it will taste good even without any sauce. Plus if you cook it right, it can also make the meat soft.

=> Cut the meat into small pieces and make it flat. I use pestle. You can use any similar tools.
=> Fry the thin slices meat in oil (not so healthy, eh). But if you think it is better not to use oil and want to bake it instead, just try. However, this is how we usually do it. Fry until it becomes brown-black so that we can have crispy meat (I prefer it to be not so crispy though). It is up to you if you want it to be fully dried or not.
=> Now let's prepare the sauce. Here are the ingredients:

- 8 onion (2 if you use the big red onion), or adjust it according to your preference. I love onion so I put a lot.
- chilli (You can use 2 different kinds of chilli, the big red chilli and the small one - thai chilli). The small chilli is a lot spicier than the big one. So if you want it to be spicy, use lots of small chillies. For the big red chilli, 3-5 are enough. In my case, I don't have the big one, so I only use the small chilli.
- 1 tomato, cut in small pieces
- brown sugar (just enough, maybe 2x1 if it's in block or 1-2 tsp if it's powder). Once again, I just use my feeling. Haha. Add a little and taste it when you fry the spices (later step), if you like it to be sweeter then add more.
- 1 tsp tamarind (it is actually called 'asam jawa' and not the fresh tamarind. It looks like candied tamarind. I'm not sure). However, because I don't have any, I just use a slice of lime to add some sour taste. haha
- salt

=> Mix the onion, chilli, brown sugar and tamarind. I use pestle and mortar (or 'ulekan'). We don't use blender because we need the spices not to be finely grounded. So it's better to manually grind it. Some extra effort for a better taste. Haha
=> Fry all the ingredients (the grounded spices and tomato) with enough oil and add salt
=> Wait until it smells delicious then add the meat
=> Stir until all meat is covered with the sauce (maybe 3-5 minutes?). Don't forget to taste it before you turn off the stove. If you want it to be sweeter - add brown sugar, more sour - add tamarind or lime, more salty - add salt, more spicy - add pepper powder. If you think the taste is great then it's finished! It's time to eat! Haha

Selamat mencoba!!!

NB: I don't have enough time to include Rendang recipe. Maybe try to find it on other website? :D


Monday, September 12, 2016

Catching Up

Hai hai, it has been such a long time. Hehe
The last post was in April and I'm thinking of what I've been doing those whole 5 months, not being able to write any single post.
Now I really need to make a promise with my own self. I have to write at least once a month. Deal.
No procrastination. No, no. (No no, I don't need nobody)

Well, so many things happened since April.

I failed two of my courses, did the re-exam in August, and barely managed to pass.
Hmm, but actually one of them was the first A for me. Haha. The first A and I'm so happy, then you can already guess what kind of grades I have so far. Haha. No worries.
Oke, enough about grades and courses.

Ramadhan was such an amazing month for me. I was quite sure that I would not be able to do it.
It was 18 hours of fasting! Everyday! Heol! But THANK GOD I DID IT!
Never been so proud of me. Haha
That's why you should not put any limit on yourself :D
Just do it and you will know.

For the first time in my life, I celebrated Eid Al-Fitr without my family, here in a place far from home.
We prayed at a mosque in Ede (me and some other Indonesian students in Wageningen).
Despite the khutbah was in Arabic, everyone was happy. There was no reason not to be happy anyway! :D
We even got free bread that served at the mosque's yard after praying. Alhamdulillah.

We went to England in early of June, the day after Eid. You won't believe if I say that we only spent 2 euros for the return ticket.
Hahahahahaa. Well, it's up to you to believe it or not.
But we did only spent 2 euros for the bus return ticket to London - Victoria Couch Station, from Eindhoven (or Arnhem? not sure).
We went to Eastern Europe in July. Budget traveler, of course.
Dengan kata lain: hari-hari dipenuhi bis penderitaan. Haha
And summer summed up after we went to Scotland for 10 days in the end of August. Horang kayah
But it was worth it. I doubt I will be able to do this all travelling thing next year. With all of the thesis and internship kind of stuff.
I'll try to write each of the episodes separately later :)

Now I'm doing the European Workshop course. It's a project-based course, involving a total of 27 students working for a single client. The study area is Prague. The topic is about climate change adaptation option in case of blue and green infrastructure. We are going to Prague at the end of this month, two weeks long, for data collection and observation. Hope we will get fruitful result in the end :)
I like both my Geo-Group and Expert Group. This will be my first time working with Dutch students (can't believe it, eh. haha).
I will also write about this project later, or maybe after we finished :)
(*I promised many things today already. haha)

Oiya, sekarang lagi fangirling BTS sama B1A4. Hahahah (terlalu excited, english-nya gone. LOL)
Selera musik berubah drastis. Well, not necessarily changed, but maybe it's better to say that now I'm more open to all kind of music.
Sekarang jadi suka dengerin lagu indie (walaupun masih pilih2). Yang paling ga banget (at least before, I thought so) adalah sekarang jadi suka banget lagu2 BTS! O may, ternyata mereka keren banget lah. Lagu-lagunya semua penuh makna. Memang awalnya terdengar 'keras' buat orang yang tipikal lagunya menye-menye kayak aku gini. Tapi ternyata addicting. BTS ada tanda-tanda mau rilis album dalam waktu dekat. Teaser-nya kece badai. Ples bikin creepy, kerna ternyata semua cerita dibalik MV-nya masih berhubungan sama album-album sebelumnya, bahkan dari jaman Danger! Heol!! Super keren. Ga sabar nunggu release XD

Drama tetep jalan, lagi banyak ngikutin drama (drama jalan, fangirling jalan, kapan belajarnya. heu).
Dari mulai drama absurd sampe drama kacangan. Drama W yang lagi hits banget, sampe drama kacang kayak Cinderella and Four Knights aja ditonton lah. Ga paham lagi.

Just another kind of procrastination.
The Belbin test is indeed true. I'm a team worker, type of people who avoid stress.
Always trying to live in the moment.
Not to say an excuse.

Well, I wrote a lot (which I spent hours because I can't wait to watch Moon Lover and had to stop in the middle. Ha).
I'll see you in a couple of days (or weeks?). Annyeong.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Orange on Top

Hari ini King's day. Koningsdag kalo bahasa Belandanya.
Londo-londo pada ngerayain ulang tahun rajanya, Willem-Alexander.
Orens dimana-mana, market dimana-mana, party dimana-mana.
But here I am, masih setia nikmati galaunya cuaca dibalik jendela kamar.
Well, at least cuaca hari ini ga segalau kemarin.
Tapi tetep aja hujan es di tanggal 27 April itu rasanya gimanaa gitu.
Ditambah insiden submit essay yang mesti banget gitu deadline-nya 27 April before 12.00.
Awalnya dikirain 12pm, taunya 12am!
Jadilah conclusion yang dibuat super ngebut cuma dalam 10 menit.
Tetep aja telat, 12.12.
Eh, taunya ada referensi yang lupa dihapus kerna draft udah diedit dan statement ga jadi dipake.
Sempat galau, tapi akhirnya resubmit 12.33.
Pasrah, pasrah deh. Daripada dikira plagiat. Fiuh.

Ngomongin pasrah, denger-denger sih monarki di Belanda ini juga sebenarnya udah mulai berkurang ketenarannya.
Ga nyambung ya ternyata sama pasrah.
Sama ga nyambungnya sama warna bendera Belanda yang Merah-Putih-Biru tapi mereka selalu pake Orens.
Kenapa ya?
Bentar tak google dulu deh.

Oh, jadi ternyata:
Orange is the color of the Dutch Royal Family, which hails from the House of Orange.
- source:

"Oranje boven, oranje boven. leve the Koning!” (Orange on top, Orange on top. Long Live the King!)
- masih dari web yang sama

Ternyata dulunya warna bendera Belanda itu Orange-Putih-Biru, disebutnya Prince's flag (Prinsenvlag).
Masih ada hubungannya sama William I, Prince of Orange
Tapi katanya warna orange-nya jelek trus lama-lama berubah merah (-wikipedia).
Kerna ga mau repot, jadilah mereka ngeganti aja orange jadi merah aja sekalian.
Make sense sih.

Trus sekarang di luar lagi terik banget tapi gerimis!
Gumiho lagi nangis ini.
Aku juga pengen nangis.
Tapi buat apa.
Kalo abis nangis ada taman tulip di depan jendela boleh deh.
Atau abis nangis ada yang ngasih eskrim. Hmm..
Sudah sudah cukup.

Oiya ini aku upload foto kemarin abis dari Keukenhof :)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy Ending - Happy Start

Ini yang ditulis udah dari kapan tau..belom sempat diposting.
Sekarang orangnya udah isiii...
Semoga sehat-sehat ya sampe lahiran.
Sedih ga bisa lihat :(

Masih ngerasa ga percaya
Dua orang ini udah nikah aja
Bingung antara mau bahagia atau sedih
Ih gimana sih, ya harus bahagia laah..

Kalo dateng ke nikahan orang sih ya biasa aja lah ya..
Tapi rasanya lihat sahabat sendiri nikahan itu..rasanya..
Berasa ga relaa...
Ini udah kayak emaknya aja.
Sekarang Ima udah jadi milik Iip seutuhnyaa..hiks
Oke cukup dramanya.

Ga nyangka..finally..
So much for your happy ending :)
Akhirnya yaa..berakhir sudah penantian mu Ip. Haha

"Kinii usai sudah segala penantian panjangku
Setelah temukan dirimu duhi kekasihku"
(Ala2 Syaiful Jamil, cocok dikit langsung tarik. Haha)

Ima aka Nyayu Fatimah Zahroh dan Iip aka Iif Miftahul Ihsan ini pasangan pertama dari GFM 46.
Yeyeye lalala..
Selamat yaaa...

Semoga jadi keluarga sakinah mawadah warohmah.
Langgeng sampe kake nenek punya cucu banyak..hhe

Kalo ingat dulu, ya ampun..kayaknya cerita mereka berdua ini bisa jadi teenlit. Haha
Ini aku kasih kronologis versi drama musikal yak.


"Kurasa ku tlah jatuh cinta
Pada pandangan yang pertama
Sulit bagiku untuk bisa
Berhenti mengagumi dirinya"

"Butuh waktu untuk mencintaimu seperti engkau mencintai diriku
Jangan sampai engkau salah mengerti
Yang kuingin bisa saling memahami"

2. The One That Got Away, Katty Perry
"Terlambat sudah oh kasih,terlambat sudah oh sayang
Kini ada penganti dirimu yang lebih mencintai diriku.."

"In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away"

3. I'm With You, Avril Lavigne

" "

"Lumpuhkanlah ingatanku
Hapuskan tentang dia
Hapuskan memoriku tentang dia
Hilangkanlah ingatanku jika itu tentang dia
Ku ingin ku lupakannya"

"Aku berhenti berharap
Dan menunggu datang gelap
Sampai nanti suatu saat
Tak ada cinta kudapat
Kenapa ada derita
Bila bahagia tercipta
Kenapa ada sang hitam
Bila putih menyenangkan..."

"I'm not surprised
Not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times,
I stopped keepin' track.
Talk myself in
I talk myself out
I get all worked up
Then I let myself down.

I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility

And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid, that I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet"

5. The Reason - Hoobastank

"I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you"

"Siang dan malam aku
Tak kuasa melupakan bayangmu
Meski telah kau lukai hatiku
Meski aku harus mendusta nurani...
Siang dan malam aku
Tak kuasa melupakan bayangmu
Meski telah kau lukai hatiku
Meski aku harus mendusta nurani...

Siang dan malam aku
Tersenyum teringatkan ulahmu
Mungkinkah ku terjerat cinta buta
Atau kah ku hanya merasa... kasmaran

Jangan lagi ulangi
Berikan aku kasih setulusnya
tanpa perlu kau mendua
Dari semua pria..
Hanya engkau yang membuatku tak mengerti
Ku tak mampu untuk meninggalkanmu"

Iip + Ima:
"Kita adalah sepasang sepatu
Selalu bersama tak bisa bersatu
Kita mati bagai tak berjiwa
Bergerak karena kaki manusia
Aku sang sepatu kanan
Kamu sang sepatu kiri
Ku senang bila diajak berlari kencang
Tapi aku takut kamu kelelahan
Ku tak masalah bila terkena hujan
Tapi aku takut kamu kedinginan
Kita sadar ingin bersama
Tapi tak bisa apa-apa
Terasa lengkap bila kita berdua
Terasa sedih bila kita di rak berbeda
Di dekatmu kotak bagai nirwana
Tapi saling sentuh pun kita tak berdaya"

"I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming"

"A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you"

Berasa karaoke yak. Haha
Makanya bacanya jangan sambil nyanyi..hahaha
Oke, sekian dulu ya kaula muda.
Lagu berikut akan menutup pertemuan kita hari ini.
Enjoy your life.
Peace, love, and gaul.
Nb. Jangan baper yak. Haha

Tulus - Teman Hidup

Dia indah meretas gundah
Dia yang selama ini ku nanti
Pembawa sejuk, pemanja rasa
Dia yang selalu ada untukku

Di dekatnya aku lebih tenang
Bersamanya jalan lebih terang

Tetaplah bersamaku jadi teman hidupku
Berdua kita hadapi dunia
Kau milikku milikmu kita satukan tuju
Bersama arungi derasnya waktu

Kau milikku, ku milikmu
Kau milikku, ku milikm
Di dekatnya aku lebih tenang
Bersamanya jalan lebih terang

Tetaplah bersamaku jadi teman hidupku
Berdua kita hadapi dunia
Kau milikku ku milikmu kita satukan tuju
Bersama arungi derasnya waktu
Bila di depan nanti
Banyak cobaan untuk kisah cinta kita
Jangan cepat menyerah
Kau punya aku, ku punya kamu, selamanya akan begitu

Tetaplah bersamaku jadi teman hidupku
Berdua kita hadapi dunia
Kau milikku ku milikmu kita satukan tuju
Bersama arungi derasnya waktu
Kau milikku, ku milikmu
Kau jiwa yang selalu aku puja


Akhir-akhir ini suasana hati suka ga jelas. Se ga jelas cuaca di kota ini.
Lihat keluar jendela, mataharinya cerah beud, 5 menit kemudian tiba2 udah ada segumpal awan gelap di atas Forum (literally, bener-bener cuma di atas Forum doang), trus ujan, eh es, eh ujan es, halah, ujan pake es. Pokoknya gitu deh.

Kata orang, ngomongin soal cuaca itu cuma basa-basi busuk.
Kayak aku sekarang, mood lagi ga jelas, pengen nulis, trus ujung-ujungnya cuma ngomongin cuaca.
Tapi memang cuaca disini sesuatu banget sih.
Jadi berasa pengen pindah jurusan.
Ga nyambung kan.
Yaudah biarin aja.

Pengen naik Papandayan lagi.
Pengen lihat yang seger-seger lagi.
Ini aku kenapa sih.
Atau cuma pengen jalan-jalan?
Atau cuma pengen pindah jurusan?