Monday, February 27, 2017

I Wish for a Happy Ending :)

"I think I'm in love."
"Hahahaha, but I'm not sure"

Well, to wake up in the morning and find a new message on your phone and the great news in it
Not sure exactly how to react, tbh
I'm honestly, sincerely, wholeheartedly, happy to hear that :)

Though there were so many things I want to ask
So many things were left unsaid
But sometimes, some questions are meant to be in your head only
Sometimes, having no answer is the best way to live your life

Or, could it be because I can understand without asking it out loud?
Could it be that I already found the answer somewhere in the corner of my head and my heart?
That I don't feel like it is necessary anymore, whatever the result will be
Is this what they called 'grown-up things'?

"It's been so long that I don't get to feel this kind of thing. That I'm not even sure how to make myself sure about it."
"Well, I'm not any better than you in this case, absolutely, haha."
"I just scared that I translated the signal in a wrong way. What if it's just on my part? Why is it so hard being a girl (you mean, woman? haha) that I don't have the power to make sure of everything."
"Hahahaha. Then just let it be. Enjoy this rare yet exciting moment in your life. You said that it's been so long that you don't feel this way. Then live it. You can choose to wait and live it to the fullest :)"

What else?
Do you think there is a better way to cope with this thing?
Maybe some straightforward girl will just say it out loud. Whatever it is in her mind
And I will always be so envious of this kind of girl
How do you even have the energy to do that?

Anyway, I personally think that everyone knows how to react best, their own way
It's your life, and you are the master of your mind and your heart

But the thing is, it's not only about advice
It's about sharing
About how to make your excitement grow by sharing it with your closest
About how to share the weight it contains with other people
This extraordinary thing about sharing
Sharing happiness will make it bigger, yet sharing your sadness will make it disappear
Magic, eh? :)

I knew at that moment, that when you like someone, you have eyes for her on the sides and the back of your head. And that if you don’t knock, there will be no answer. Standing in place will not get you what you want
-Yoon Jae, in Reply 1984

I wish upon a star for a happy ending :)
See you in my next post

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Spring Day

"How much longing has to fall like snow
For the spring days to come?"

- Kim Namjoon

Hei, it's the new MV from BTS!
Spring Day :)

Here is the link if you want to see the lyric (hangul + romanization + english) with the line of each member

Actually, this is the extended version of Wings album, with 4 new tracks:
Spring Day
Not Today
Outro : Wings
A Supplementary Story : You Never Walk Alone

First, I would like to say thank you to Lumpens and all the music video credits for such an artsy mv :)
I personally think that this is the best mv of BTS so far
Too beautiful to handle hehe

And the song itself is just too mesmerising
I play this song whenever I need to bike from my home to the college or the other way around
And suddenly my life feels like a music video, haha
And everything feels more beautiful, happier but also sad
Why did Namjoon and Yoongi have to put sad lyrics in a beautiful melody, heu
But maybe that's why the song turned out great :D
Even my most favourite parts of the song are Namjoon and Yoongi's part, uri rapper lines
And also the melody of this part (start at 2:19)

Past the end of this cold winter
Until the spring comes again
Until the flowers bloom again
Stay there a little longer
Stay there

Oh, if you want to see Namjoon's personal review of the new songs, you can see it here
The long version of the review can be seen here, but you need to subscribe the channel+ haha

Namjoon said that the song is about how he could not meet up with his old friends so often now
The way he demonstrate the melody tho, why so cute haha
Oh, and by the way, I love the first part of the song so much!
It's just too mind blowing to see Namjoon sing (and that poker face). Haha
Everyone knew that he always want to sing and he practised a lot! haha
You can feel it from his new single that he uploaded to SoundCloud, Always
Or maybe he is experimenting a new way of 'rap' haha
Kalo kata Noya & Andhani, mereka udah kebayang gimana Namjoon ga kontrol dagu sama bibir pas nanyi bagian 'always' wkwk

Bagus yaa tone warnanyaaa, suka deh

Oiya, btw sekarang ku lagi suka banget lagunya Akdong Musician yang Last Goodbye dari album terakhir mereka, Winter
Sama Time and Fallen Leaves, yang ini album lama sih, tapi entah kenapa ku baru ngeh akhir-akhir ini kalo lagunya baguus
Mungkin lagi sesuai sama mood aja kali ya

Well then, see you on my next post!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Let Me Sail on the White Ocean

Let me sail on the white ocean
Rolling deep under the blue sky
For the land is reddish instead of brown
Leaves are grey without any shades of green

Let me sail on the white ocean
Be lost with the tears and sorrow of the mother
Of life
Surrounded by the irrefutable truth and power

Let me sail on the white ocean
To find a patch where I belong

Di luar lagi saljuan (lagi)
Bawaannya jadi melo beginih
Padahal udah niat mau belajar

Ga expect bakal saljuan lagi padahal udah tanggal segini
Se ga expect Jimin jadi kurus banget di MV teaser BTS yang baru
Dedek udah gede
Kyaaaaa ga sabar nunggu MV barunya released
ckck.. lupakan

Hmm..ekspektasi (bener ga sih nulisnya?)
Well, what do you think about expectation?
Is it so wrong to have one?
Some said it's not good to have over-expectation about something (or someone?)
Could be
But how exactly you measure this expectation?
How do you know if it's over? or less?
And why do we even need to measure it?

Or maybe it's not about measuring
Maybe I'm heading the wrong way

I think, personally, it's good to expect
So you know what you (will) face and what you need to do to meet your expectation
But it is more plausible to put your expectation over the process
Because you, yourself, is one of the variables in it
You can do something about it
You can change whatever it is (for your variable) to meet your expectation, or close to
Or it's even better to put the expectation over yourself
Then you, yourself, are the key to your result
For later there will be less disappointment
Or if there is, it will be the impulse to do better in the future
Maybe this is what they called managing your expectation?
Or no?

Ini ngomongin apa sih, kok jadi pusing heu
Mau belajar tapi kok ya ga punya motivasi
Udah hilang ekspektasi sama course yang satu ini
Se ga punya ekspektasi sama kehidupan politik di Indonesia
Lah, kenapa tetiba jadi politik haha
Abisnya gregetan, kesel
Ga paham sama sudut pandang orang-orang
Se ga paham Bapake maunya kita ngejawab soal pegimane biar dikasih nilai
Sedih sih
Ga paham apa faedahnya
Ya tau sih faedahnya apa
Tapi kok ya aku ngerasa agak lebay gitu ya
Yaudahlah namanya juga politik
Kayak kata Bu Carolien: "Funny things happen in politics".

Haaa, yasudah ku mau bantu Andhani bawa barang dulu ke Born

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Demi Masa

Tepatnya setahun 4 hari
Pengen bilang ga kerasa waktu berlalu cepat banget
Tapi kayaknya ga bener juga
Sebenernya waktu itu gimana sih
Kenapa kita sering banget ngerasain waktu yang 'beda' dibanding orang lain
Ga usah dibandingin ke orang lain deh, sesama diri sendiri aja, bisa beda kadang
Ya ga sih?
Memang sih katanya waktu itu relatif
Tapi bukannya kerelatifan waktu hanya signifikan ketika kamu bergerak mendekati kecepatan cahaya?
Oke, bisa aja kita berimajinasi kalo ternyata tanpa kita sadari kita bergerak mendekati/sama/melebihi kecepatan cahaya
(misal itu kecepatan gerak bimasakti, jadi kita ga ngeh kalo kita bergerak. Misal ya)
Tapi ya, tetep aja kan, pada kenyataannya, kita hidup di bumi, waktu udah ditentuin
Udah dipaku mati

1 menit = 60 detik
1 jam = 60 menit
1 hari = 24 jam (Oke, aku akuin deh, 23 jam 56 menit 4 detik)
1 minggu = 7 hari (Hmm, dikaliin aja deh ya sama kurung di atas)
dan seterusnya dan seterusnya

(Ngomongin waktu, sebenernya ku juga masih bertanya-tanya sama konsep pembagian waktu.
Tapi yaudahlah, panjang banget kalo dibahas. Heu

Oke, jadi kenapa ya kadang kita ngerasa waktu lamaaaaa banget jalannya,
kadang ga kerasa udah tiba-tiba malem, tiba-tiba setahun lewat, tiba-tiba..hmm..

Ya mungkin itu semua cuma perasaan kita aja kali ya
Atau mungkin cuma perasaan uwe doang
Ada apa sih dengan perasaan
Sering banget mengacaukan

Ya atuh kenapa perasaan yang disalahin, heu

sebenernya aku lagi sedih
tapi yaudah lah, lupain aja
Kerna ku juga ga tau kenapa aku harus sedih
Tiba-tiba aja gitu sedih
Apaan banget yak
PMS juga kaga
Mood swing banget :(
Udah gini malah dengerin lagu Tulus, heu

Yaudah ku mo baca buku lagi aja (buku ketiga tahun ini, The Hating Game, Sally Thorne)
Sambil nunggu sub drama
Drama yang lagi aku tunggu ini kayaknya seru deh (baru episode 2 malam ini)
Judulnya Tomorrow With You
Tentang time traveller
Jadi mas nya ga sengaja lihat dia bakal meninggal di kecelakaan, tapi sama mba-mba
Tapi dia ga kenal
Trus taunya mba nya itu istrinya di masa depan
Padahal dia ga kenal sama mba nya
Tapi trus dia cari tau, gitu deh

Temanya amat sangat menarik
Tentang jodoh
Sesuatu yang penuh misteri
Dan lagi-lagi menyangkut perasaan
Ha, yasudahlah

Mungkin memang hidup itu cukup dijalani aja

Maybe in life, it is enough just to breath in every single second
Because that's the difference between life and death
Or, am I wrong?
Do we breathe in our afterlife?
Who knows..

Ya, I guess it's not totally true
There is also one other thing you need to do

Love is not the essence of life
Gratitude is

Friday, February 03, 2017

Memories, Park Kyung feat. Yun Hyeonsang

Help I cannot stop listening to this song
This is the 5th song of Park Kyung's first solo mini album, Notebook :"
The first time I listen to it, I fell in love
I'm not the type to fall in love at first sight tho
But now I would like to admit it
Especially Yun Hyeonsang part, the melody, the music
Even the fact that all those songs were produced, written and composed by him alone is just..
Ah, Kyung, say no more :"

The other songs in this album are good too :D
It's been so long but I still love his collaboration with Park Boram in "Ordinary Love" :D
"Inferiority Complex" is also good, tho I was not too into it the first time he released the single
But it got better and better the more time you listen to it
Like a mantra, ya

Hmm, anyway, I can't wait to see Block B concert in these coming weeks, kyaa!!!
I'm not a Block B stan, to be honest. I'm ARMY (hahaha, why so proud, wkwk)
I don't even know their fanbase name, heu
But still, I hope it will be great! :D

BTS, come soon!!! <3